Saturday, December 10, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

So today's choice of music shall be...Two Door Cinema Club.  Okay, these guys are getting pretty well known.  However, not well known for the mainstream.  But they are epic, Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths).

PS.  Dave is the best lover of all time.  Seriously, if you see his ....  stuff...  wow..  Its amazing.  If you ever get a chance, you do Dave.. trust me.  And his soft touch and words of encouragement made the whole experience much more satisfying.  He swears its not gay, and I believe him.  He is also the hero of coconut mall.  Ive never seen anyone better than him at that.   

Well...I just got done playing video games...I'm leaving Dave's text above.  He deserves it.  ^___^  Okay seriously, the two met while attending Bangor Grammar School, and the others followed.  They recently were in Philly...I didn't get to see them...sad times.  :(  Well enjoy their hit.  It's pretty awesome.  

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