Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When the weather outside is weather...

I can't believe Christmas is only 5 days away.  Seriously the year has flew by.  I got a ton of gifts, a ton of love, and I'm ready to spread the Christmas joy.  What can I say, I enjoy the giving part of this holiday.  As a child growing up, I never really expected gifts, after all it's technically not really my holiday.  However, as the years pass by, and the older I get.  The happier this holiday makes me.  The lights, the joyous occasion between friends.  The food, the family, the everything.  It really is a sweet time of year.

I'm sitting in my room at the moment surrounded by gifts.  And I finally got the last and final gift.  Ohh, the coup de grace, Georgie's gift...oh he is totally going to love his gift.  Actually in a matter of fact, I think they all will love their gifts.  So amped and excited, anyway.  Christmas is around the corner folks.  Get your gift giving things ready.  And prepare to go out there and celebrate.  Cause before you know it.  The New Year is right behind it.

You ready for that aren't you?  Well I hope you are.

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