Sunday, December 25, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

Something fun and something festive for this holiday weekend.  So this weeks obscure music artist of the week is...Pink Martini.  Yes, Pink Martini.  Who is Pink Martini?  Well, from what I know of they are a 12 musician orchestra band which has a multi-lingual section that travel to Europe, Asia, Middle East, Northern Africa, and Australia.  So basically they are a big band group.  Fun little songs, and fun little ditties.  I enjoy their music very much.  I heard them for the first time in the movie Shanghai Kiss, and since then I've been hooked.  Lilly is one of my favorite song, I've been listening to Pink Martini since then, awesome.  So take a listen, it's pretty cool.

Merry Christmas

It's here, it's here, it's here.  Yup, Christmas day.  So while sugar plums were dancing, and not a something were peeping.  Santa flew all around the world and...yeah yeah yeah, whatever.  Anyway, so it's Christmas.  Remember this today, as you eat your ham, turkey, or roast beef, remember that Christmas is a celebration with family and friends and the birth of Christ.  Remember that caring is sharing, and giving is a good thing.  It's a very good feeling, that's what it is people.  So enjoy Christmas and have a wonderful New Years Y'all.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Top 50 (cont.)

Okay, it's top 50 Wednesday, and it's not that I wasn't excited last week, however this week, I'm ecstatic to write about one of my all time favorite cars.  The WRX STi.  Now, we here in the states didn't receive the STi until 2004, and even though we were a little late to the game, the latest rendition of it coming out of Japan, was the most badass one yet.  Yup, folks I've been enjoying the streamlined Impreza for years, however like an ugly stepdaughter, America was ignored the Subara Tecnica International version for years.  Finally we got our hands on one.  For the last few years, I had pined for one.  Who wouldn't want a 300 hp, all wheel drive, rallying monster vehicle.  To this day, I may not want one as bad, but if I had an opportunity to pick one up, I'm definitely going to do it.  Seriously, I actually have been looking at the new 2012 ones.  After a few years of the hatchback version, I'm very happy Subaru brought the STi back with an option between sedan and hatchback.  I love it's aggressive front, the obnoxious spoiler, and the loud rally exhaust when it breathes.  This car was just meant to be an asshole, and it seems like a lot of rich, spoiled, bratty Asians drive it.  Well, I decided, I will let those kids have it.  For now, I can always dream of driving my lightning black Subie, with gold rims, my bigger turbo pushing 20 psis, and the huge exhaust which would breathe through.  I want one...

Once again, not my video people, but enjoy.

So I'm assuming you have watched the video.  And I really wanted to compare the two cars...and honestly you can't.  One is meant to go straight, the other is meant to go into  So it's like comparing apples and oranges, you just can't.  

In the beginning, I just wanted to show everyone my top 50 list, and now, after adding this second car.  I'm going to tell which one I would choose each week as well.  And as for these two vehicles, who would come out victorious in my eyes...well folks, that's the WRX STi.  Let's hope next weeks contender has a chance.  

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

When the weather outside is weather...

I can't believe Christmas is only 5 days away.  Seriously the year has flew by.  I got a ton of gifts, a ton of love, and I'm ready to spread the Christmas joy.  What can I say, I enjoy the giving part of this holiday.  As a child growing up, I never really expected gifts, after all it's technically not really my holiday.  However, as the years pass by, and the older I get.  The happier this holiday makes me.  The lights, the joyous occasion between friends.  The food, the family, the everything.  It really is a sweet time of year.

I'm sitting in my room at the moment surrounded by gifts.  And I finally got the last and final gift.  Ohh, the coup de grace, Georgie's gift...oh he is totally going to love his gift.  Actually in a matter of fact, I think they all will love their gifts.  So amped and excited, anyway.  Christmas is around the corner folks.  Get your gift giving things ready.  And prepare to go out there and celebrate.  Cause before you know it.  The New Year is right behind it.

You ready for that aren't you?  Well I hope you are.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Grind My Gears

Today, I'm going to speak of a serious topic.  It's a little controversial, and well, it's a little fucked up.  I'm going to curse a little cause well.  I'm mad.  However, this is what grinds my gear on this Monday.  And what grind my gears today?  Well that today fuckers being racist.

I have an awesome friend on Facebook.  She's a great person, and one of her statuses today was, "Why does China get to have a town in every city of the world?"  I agree.  Why do the Chinese get to have one of their towns in every city of the world?  However, this isn't what ticks me off.  It's what one of her idiot friend preaches.  A pure douche, I'll give a taste of what he wrote, and it is an exact quote...

"Cause that's the white man putting it in ur face how much he hate black people, black people been over here since forever, and don't even own part of a town, but as soon as that slang eye big apple head Chinese man get here he get a store in china town."

And about 45 minutes later he adds...

"The white man (devil) keeps showing us he hate blacks, Hispanics, and native Indians who make fried chicken better than black people, but we got to go to the Arabs for it, who make rice better than our Hispanic people, yet we got to go to the Chinese for rice, these other nations half way can't even speak English and the white man set them up to own businesses."

Awesome, I love that bigotry is still alive and well today.  You preach that you've been here forever, however what you don't know is that you only look at your own history.  Look at it as a whole would you?  You weren't the only ones that were forced over here you racist fuck, we all have gone through hardships, what makes your shit don't stink you fuck?  What makes you so special.  You are honestly no better than those so called white man.  This is a land of opportunity, you think everything was handed to us?  Wow, you're a fucking moron, we worked, and just didn't complain about shit.  Yet all you can do is continue to hate.  It's a good thing Mr. Kings word still hasn't hit anywhere in your brain.  By frankly, it must be that thick as shit skull of yours.  I forgot how great you are, you must be better than everyone else.  And when I say you.  I mean just you.  Cause, by frankly, I think black people are awesome, it's your bigotry ass that I hate.  
Oh and yeah, I'm sorry for stealing all your rice.  I'm sorry that, the Chinese are some of the main consumers of the product.  I'm sorry that we eat to live, and not live to eat.  It is honestly not out of choice, but out of necessity, you fucking jackass.  God this pissed me off today.  Seriously, before I get flagged for the use of obscenities I'm just going to stop.  Honestly, I was contemplating on whether or not I should write this jackasses name or not, but I decided against it.  I let this bigot continue to be a bigot.  I'll let him think that god only created his race only and not any other race. I'll let him believe that the US of A was only made for him, and if it was up to him, he wouldn't need any of our cultural influence.  Good job jackass...hope you have a great time in your imaginary USA.  Fucker.  

Racism is still alive...they just be concealing it. - Kanye West

Sunday Funday

Guess what?  Today was epic.  Dim sum, Macy's Christmas show, PJs for the game.  Fun, fun, fun and super good times.  Sorry I fell asleep yesterday typing this...I know I know.  It's bad.  Anyway.  So we did a whole bunch of stuff yesterday, and I gotta admit.  Tricia is a great girl.  Good for you Ant, I hope your happy bud.  Live it up my friend.

So anyway, the day starts off with dim sum, grabbing a quick bite to eat, and watching new people eat.  It's hilarious.  I always enjoy the nuances of newbies trying out new foods for the first time.  Hahaha, it's priceless to me.  First they smell it, take little bites out of it, and either say yeah this is the shit...or ugh...this taste like shit.  That's where it goes.  Priceless...

Afterwards, me and the gang head off to the Reading Terminal, btw...the gang consisted of Daniel, Anthony, Tricia, and I.  Fun little journey, anyway, the Reading Terminal.  I don't know about you, but man I love this place, between getting coffee and walking around all the food.  Don't go into the place stuffed, you should and at least gotta try something there.  It's awesome, most of the time it's Dinics for me. Their roast pork sandwich is amazing, and when you get a chance...grab a long hot.  Spicy, but it gives your sandwich a nice little kick.  Amazing.  Oh...and I saw the cutest hipster girl working at the coffee shop, too bad me and Dan both thought of the same thing.  Ugh...I let that one pass by.  Shucks... :p

Next portion of the trip?  Macy's Christmas stuff...meh, it was pretty cool I guess...that and the hour line we stood in to see Charles Dicken's town.  Dan, I'm saying it right here.  Not worth it.  Totally not worth it.  After all of that and a little of Christmas shopping, we headed out for a little Eagles watching.

PJs was where it was at, man we gave the JETS a beating, but what are you going to do, they played awful, and the Eagles pounced on them.  I don't know, you root for your team till the very end, but I have a strong feeling the Eagles aren't making the playoffs this year.  You never know, honestly, I just don't think they deserve it.  They played like poo the entire year, we are a very young and talented team, we should do better than what we did.  However, like I said...we shall see.

Lastly, I just wanna give Anthony's girl a shout-out one more time.  She's funny, fun, kind, and very charismatic.  She's perfect for Anthony, and even though she's approximately 5 to 6 years younger, Anthony, even though not physically the same age, mentally she is.  Welcome to our group Tricia, I hope Ant brings you by to hangout every once in a while.  Oh, and Ant, if you're reading this.  Tell Daniel to come out more often, that kid is fun as heck.  Good times...good times indeed.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

This week's obscure artists of the week is the band Eisley.  The story behind Eisley is as follows: 

The band was formed in 1997 when Chauntelle and Sherri began creating music together after having been inspired by bands like the Beatles, Jeremy Enigk, and Radiohead. Younger sister Stacy (who was then 8 years old) became frustrated over their insistence that she was too young to be a part of the band and wrote her own song without their help before she was inducted. Their brother Weston (who was then 10 years old) soon joined the band as the drummer. Jonathan Wilson, a family friend, was brought on to play bass.

Yeah, I grabbed that off of Wikipedia.  I have a general idea about Eisley, but there is just way too many intricate details about this band.  I just didn't want to miss too much of it.  Anyway, on to the music.  Eisley is a great band.  I first witnessed them at a Rooney concert honestly.  They opened for the band, and after the first 3 songs, well it was just plain amazing, I was just hooked from the beginning.  It's funny really.  I would have rather seen them play than Rooney.  Was never a huge Rooney fan, but it was nice to be introduced to Eisley, since then, I have purchased three of their CDs, and like it said above, lots of influence of Radiohead and the Beatles.  However, I think the best part about the band was, after the Rooney concert, me and Anthony left a little before Rooney finished their set, and guess what?  I met two of the band members.  Lead singer Sherri Dupree and Stacy Dupree, they are tall, and by the way.  Sherri is gorgeous.  Almost Kina caliber gorgeous.  I don't know, I have a thing for female musicians.  Anyway.  It was a pleasure meeting the two, and I told them I just became a fan, and was looking to purchase merchandise.  It was awesome meeting those ladies.  Texas girls are sweet.  So now, almost a year later, I will be seeing the Eisley group one more time in Philly.  March won't come quick enough.  I'm super excited!!

Enjoy the video ladies and's awesome.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's the gun deal?

For the longest time, I have contemplated getting a gun license.  Okay, seriously.  I haven't contemplated, I've wanted one for years now.  I even applied, but I don't think I've been doing them correctly.  And now, as I read the gun laws and the whole entire permit process again, there is a possibility of me getting in trouble if I do it incorrectly.  However, I don't care.  I want one.  Now this is where it gets kinda tricky.  Now most of my friends are gun loving folk.  Actually, they all hate the idea that I get one.  I don't see the reason why behind it, however they are allowed to have their opinions so I let them.  However, there are 3 main reasons why I want, nay need a gun.  And I will go down that list right!

Okay first main reason why I would love to have a gun, is for the obvious reason, protection.  Now the question is, "Wei, who in their right mind is going to attack you?"  Well seriously, I've lived a pretty long life now, not that I've made enemies or anything, but you never know.  Burglar, intruders, all of those things.  I think the simple idea is that since one of my neighbors have been tied up, and forced into a hostage situation.  Scary really, extremely scary.   I just want to have something to be able to protect my family.  Maybe owning a firearm would and could be that thing to protect us.

Number two, hobby.  I've played games all my life, and I've seen hunters and gun enthusiast talk about their toys.  I don't know.  It seems like an awesome hobby.  Going to the gun range on the weekend.  Shooting your pistols.  Talk of the town really.  I just think it's a cool thing.  Guns are cool...why wouldn't they be.  We use them when we're shooting down fake terrorist in Call of Duty and Battlefield, so why wouldn't I be interested in things I use when I play my games.  It just seems cool.

And last but not least.  Let's be serious people.  I want a gun for one main reason, and one main reason only.  I want you all to read this carefully, and repeat it after you get done reading it.  Zombie Apocalypse. One more time...I know you're reading it.  Z-O-M-B-I-E A-P-O-C-A-L-Y-P-S-E  Yup, that's why I need one.  You may not believe it now, or even 20 years from now.  However, I know there is someone out there dumb enough to create a virus/gene to resurrect the dead.  I.e. those ants that they have that are able to come back to life after death.  Yup, one of those things.  What do you think the next step is?  Undead super soldiers, yeah that's what's next.  So like George said, guns will be freely available everywhere.  However, guess what?  People that already own guns, well we would have the advantage.  I think it's correct, George is right, and he's smart.  I need a gun license, and I need one now.  Oh boy.

Yup, that's what I worry about.  So you know.  Enjoy!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Top 50

Last week on my grind my gears, I complained about how disturbed I was about the whole, "Fast and the Furious," scene.  Well Wednesdays will now be known as Top 50 cars Wei has always wanted!  Yup, Wednesday are now going to be known as Top 50 Wednesdays.  

So tonight begins it.  My first car chosen on my top 50 list, is a vehicle I have loved since the day I saw it.  Sometimes I still think about driving it, and the rush I would have cruising around town with it.  It was a dream then...however not so much so now.  That car is the 2004 Pontiac GTO.  Ah, American muscle.  Yes, it's a great car.  I'm looking back on the list I made in 2004...and I'm realizing to myself.  I put this on my top 50 list back in the day.  Will I modify it?  Possibly, however for now, I think I'm leaving it on here. It was a great car, and now, we don't even have Pontiacs anymore.  So's staying on here.  Here's to you's to you.  

Okay first, not my car.  And secondly, this may or may not be a you know.  Enjoy the vid.  It's awesome.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Real Deal has been forever since I've written a real "Bla(h)g," post.  Lets get to it shall we?  So what have the past few weeks have been like for me?  Well honestly, I've just been living it.  No stress, no nothing really.  No fuss, no muss.  I've just been trying to have a good time honestly, and I think it's been pretty good so far.  I've been planning for my future Italy trip next year.  I've been looking at new jobs for myself, and well, I've also been looking at new cars as well.  I don't know, I've been planning and thinking about a shit ton of stuff and I realized...I need to win the lottery.  Haha, okay seriously, I don't need to win the lottery, however it would be nice.  Seriously?  Who wouldn't want to win.

Lately I've been going down this path where I have been kinda not worrying about the opposite sex lately. However, I see Ant and Jay getting new lady friends, and well...I feel like that odd guy out now.  Weird really.  Well no, not really.  I'm actually turning about to be the Barney of the group.  Yes, that Barney from, "How I met Your Mother," I think I like it actually.  It's kinda fun.  I get to do whatever I want, and say whatever I want to say.  However, I'm passing on the womanizing part...maybe I should become a womanizer next.  Haavvvvveeee you met me?  Stupid Wei...very stupid, but very funny.

Anyway, I'm very proud of my boys, it seems like they are finally growing up, well everyone is growing up.  However, it's the next progression in steps I guess.  I guess sometimes I fear the change.  However, this was meant to be.  I think I talked to Dave about this about a year or two ago.  Thinks were bound to be different sooner or later.  Well the later finally became sooner.  I guess it's time to roll with it.

So, anyway, the new year is almost upon us, I'm looking forward to our NYE party.  Yeah, definitely dressing up this year.  Awesome, shirt with a purple tie.  I like it.  So yup, folks, you really haven't been missing much lately.  I have been living it really.  Playing the guitar, watching t.v., learning Italian, and saying that I have been living a truly blessed life.  I don't know what the future entails.  But so far so  :D

Enjoying an evening with Kina's music...well even if it is a cover.  Kina is awesome...I wonder if she'll win a grammy...she should.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Grind My Gears

You know what grinds my gears...this scotch shortage that we are about to see.  *Sigh*  I'm deathly afraid of this shortage that is about to hit us.  For years I have drank the delicious brown liquor.  It has gotten me through some of the roughest times, and some of the happiest moments in my life.  Nothing will ever beat the fact that a JW Blue, double, neat, will forever make me the happiest man ever.  There are some things in life that a man must have...Tony Montana gave us, power, and women.  I would like to add to that.  Scotch.  Or better yet, any liquor of your choice.  Mine will forever be scotch.

Lets find out where the problems lie.  The main problem is that the shortage is happening do to the boom in the Latin American and Asian countries.  Due to lenient trade tariffs and the growing Asian Middle class, it has become quite an easy and accessible commodity for them.  I'm afraid people, very afraid.  I'm losing out...well no, I'm not.  I actually have been saving up on my scotch quotient for years now.  I have at least 10 bottles.  Two blues, one gold, and seven black.  I feel like I have everything stocked, but I'm scared. this all a big ruse by the scotch company, so they have a reason for the inflation going up in the scotch world.  After doing some more research on this topic, it looks as though this isn't the first time for the scotch scare.  So what really grinds my gears is the lie behind it all.  I hope it's not a scare and there is a reason for this.  So lets hope that's it.  Now if you all can excuse me, I'm going to go enjoy my scotch, and tomorrow, I will go out and begin purchasing a few bottle of single malts for myself.  Remember folks, a nice bottle of scotch goes well with that delicious cigar.  Be a man, or rather be Barney...and, "SUIT UP!!"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

So today's choice of music shall be...Two Door Cinema Club.  Okay, these guys are getting pretty well known.  However, not well known for the mainstream.  But they are epic, Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths).

PS.  Dave is the best lover of all time.  Seriously, if you see his ....  stuff...  wow..  Its amazing.  If you ever get a chance, you do Dave.. trust me.  And his soft touch and words of encouragement made the whole experience much more satisfying.  He swears its not gay, and I believe him.  He is also the hero of coconut mall.  Ive never seen anyone better than him at that.   

Well...I just got done playing video games...I'm leaving Dave's text above.  He deserves it.  ^___^  Okay seriously, the two met while attending Bangor Grammar School, and the others followed.  They recently were in Philly...I didn't get to see them...sad times.  :(  Well enjoy their hit.  It's pretty awesome.  

Monday, December 5, 2011

Grind My Gears, Monday

Well it's another Monday, and as you may or may not know.  It's that time where I tell you what really grinds my gears.  Today's topic of gear grinding..."The Fast and the Furious."  As an adolescent growing up in the stupid Fast and the Furious era.  Our options were small, and most kids chose the import scene to be a fad of.  Now, I was always a JDM kid, and I stuck with the mass of japanese imports.  However, I want to put this out there now.  I enjoyed the car scene before that stupid movie ruined everything for me.

You know what really grinds my gears.  When the movie came out, you had celebrities...i.e Frankie Muniz, buying up on the import scene, changing and adding a cold air intake, and every exhaust system possible to any japanese/german vehicle.  I watched the car scene that I had enjoyed reading and watching about for the last 17 years become a smorgasbord of spoilers, loud farting muffler sounds, and big flashy rims.  I watched vehicles that should've have flown off the line and finish a quarter mile within 10 secs, become vehicles, that stayed stock, and finished the 1/4 at 17 secs.  How devastating to watch a generation of young children, fast and furious types, crush an entire generation of the import scene that was trying to establish themselves against the domestic bearing, that they too can compete with the big muscle car era.  *Sigh* where did it all go wrong?  Oh that's right, The Fast and the Furious.

I decided, well better now to leave the scene, and go into something that no would know or even enjoy yet.  I went to the whole drifting route.  Yes another iteration of imports, but doing something, that other cars didn't do, going into a corner sideways.  Oh the joys of drifting, I remember trying to drift my 97 Honda Accord at the time, going to an empty parking lot, and driving at least 40 mph, turn into a corner, and lift the e-brake, trying to shift the rear weight differential to the front corner of where ever I was turning into, this way I wouldn't waste any of the tire treads.  Oh the idiotic things I did with a car.  I loved it, I never thought drifting would ever get big, I even had a plan to buy a 1986 Toyota Corolla GTS.  I wanted one so bad.  It would have been the ultimate drift car.  No way would Fast and the furious would ruin this for me. a few years later down the road, the Fast and Furious 3 came out.  The title...Tokyo Drift.  My heart sank, and another reason for me to hate the Fast and the Furious franchise kicked in.

So trying to get out of the whole idea of just following imports, I began trying to enjoy both the import and domestic scenes.  I cancelled my already 10 year subscription to Import Tuner magazine, (god I loved that magazine) and started focusing on the domestic vehicles.  Adding superchargers to cars, belt driven mechanics that faced against the air induction of the turbochargers, oh what a rush.  My first domestic love was the 95 Impala.  These cars were bad ass.  And what dummy kid would be following along to that.  And besides, how can that stupid movie franchise take this away from me?  Well, it didn't and here I am today, trying to enjoy all facets of the motor vehicle world.  I still want my 86 Trueno, I still want my 95 Impala, and I definitely now want a 2012 BMW M5.  My love for cars haven't changed, and neither the fact that The Fast and the Furious still grinds my gears.  However, who knows.  It just maybe too soon junior...too soon.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Obscure Music Saturday

It's that time again, this week's obscure artist of the week is...  WILCO

Okay, Wilco has been out for a while now, I don't even know what album they are even on anymore.  I recently heard their new album, The Whole Love, it was good.  Then again I'm a fan of Wilco so, you know, that's how I roll.  Seriously though after 19 other albums and this being the 20th I believe, Wilco has a sort of cult following by now, no?

Formed back in 1994, Wilco has seen many changes to the band, but Jeff Tweedy and John Stirratt have been there from day one.  So if you're in to that alternative scene back in the 90's, then there is no way you will not enjoy Wilco.  So as you watch the video below, I'm going to enjoy Wilco on my iPod, and dream of becoming a rock god.