Monday, October 1, 2012

Eagles Sunday/Weekend

Another great weekend, another great day.  First off, it's Eagle's Sunday, and I'm getting ready for the game with a bag of chips, a pumpkin beer, and the Simpsons with Zooey Deschanel as the guest star.  It was a good episode, and now the game is beginning.  So what else?  It has been a good weekend, no complaints really.  Lets start with Friday, beer and some BF3 with Jorge, it was a good night.  I love me some BF3 time with Jorge, gotta admit George, top 3 gaming experience for me too 3.

Saturday, oh Saturday...lets see lots of Walking Dead.  Yeah, lots of it.  I don't know, the show is great man.  It's scary, cause it could be a look into what a real zombie apocalypse would look like.  I don't want to imagine a world like that.  I want to believe it'll never happen, but I have a feeling it might, and that's so scary.  So that lead me to head toward the police department to ask for my buying permit forms and handgun license.  I'm in that building, and you always see a bunch of characters, the officer hands me my forms and I'm on my way.

I'm looking over the papers, and well.  There's a lot to go over, and I got to get my fingerprints done once again.  Getting my references together, and looking at handguns.  It's my right?  Right?  Of course it is, I'm going to be a gun toting American, cause well, my family needs protection, and after hearing another story of burglary from my family.  It does nothing more than freak me out, so yeah, I'm going to look for a gun, and definitely do it correctly...cause I don't want to worry about me doing it wrong and then get in trouble for carrying a weapon.  Looking at rifles and handguns, most likely going to get both.  Looking at the AR15 and possible a Glock 19 and Glock 22.  So it's looking good.

Oh, and another thing.  Sylvia's birthday.  Headed down to AC with her friends.  It was a really nice time.  Had some fun, had some laughs, lost some money.  Nothing new or exciting really, *sigh*  I hate losing money, it sucks.  However what are you going to do that's what happens when you gamble.  You either win or lose, and that's how that goes.  Like they always say when you don't win with scared money, and that's a fact.  Next time...I'm getting it, and I'm getting it big.

Well, well, well.  Here we are, Monday.  Big day after a Eagles win...oh and by the way folks, I didn't finish this last night.  So here we are, the day after...tomorrow's blog...foods i want but never had..goodnight everybody!

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