Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Return of the Simpson's Character

People have been giving me agita for not finishing my Simpsons list, and well.  I figure, I'll finish that really quick and add my last two.  So lets finish that list huh.


2. Michael Michael Jackson?

Seriously, for a while I thought this wasn't Michael.  He wasn't even listed in the credits, and for that for years I thought it was someone else.  It was until after the death of Michael that I had found out that that was really him.  I can't believe it.  My mind blew when I found out, he played a great role, and it's an unforgettable episode.  Bart actually showing his soft side, and watching Homer in a insane asylum...instant classic.  

1.  Albert Brooks

Al Brooks planned many roles, but my favorite has to be Hank Scorpio.  It was he and this episode that made me truly cherish the Simpsons.  It was great and hilarious.  Thank you Mr. Brooks, and whatever happened to Homer running the Denver Broncos...

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