Anyway on a happy note...well I guess not so happy. I've lost that feeling for a very long time. I've watched my friends get it. I'm suppose to make a change this year, I guess this should be one. Does true love even exist? It does, it has too. People come and go, but sometimes the one that don't make it leave a lasting impression. I also watch too much WongFu Production stuff. So this makes me think about these kinds of things.
I feel bad for my friends sometimes. I hate to be their third wheel, this thought makes me sad. This makes me want to get out of this state. Kinda like I'm a hassle. I know for a fact my friends will never say that, cause they're just plain old great. However, that doesn't console me...I hate being that burden. I guess watching them do all the stuff that I use to think was great makes me think I'm missing something in my life. Then me and my cousin were talking about things. Why am I alone? Why am I not with anyone? To tell you the truth, I don't know Sammi. I guess I'm kinda messing up. I thought working, and starting my career was the most important thing ever. I also thought love doesn't really exist anymore.
Man, I'm an idiot, they say you always have 3 great loves in life. I like to say I've had one so far, and I'm totally going to regret saying this, because I know for a fact Dave is going to be furious with me. However I wish I could tell those guys all the gritty detail that I've been through. However, I never grew up that way. So...yeah, I'm going to continue with no one knowing, and all of this will go to my grave. Sorry fellas. Yeah...wah wah right Wei? Yup.
I guess moving to a new place will force me to look for someone new. The fear of being alone in a new place is freaky enough. It would also push me to want something more. I guess it's what I really want this year. What I really really want is change this year. I'm looking for new scenery, and something I can call my own. They did a survey and found most people that has hit the age of 28 has finally let their theory of youth go. I feel like I can't keep acting like this...I guess it's time to grow up. *sigh*
I guess watch the WongFu Production, and yes, Kina Grannis is going to continue looking gorgeous. Whoever that actor is in this. I wish I was him. Cause...well she's simply amazing...legen...wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant cause the last word is...dary.
How active are you in your search for love? Have you tried Eharmony or Match? What are your feelings about online sites? They say 20% of relationships start online.
ReplyDeleteHmm...was just starting a new blog and I saw this. You may have no idea who I am, and I have no idea who you. Btw...thanks for reading, I had no idea people read this outside of my friends. But, to continue...I will tell you this. It's true they say 20% of relationships do start online...omg is that true now? I have no qualms with Eharmony or problem's just not for me. I've had plenty of friends that have tried it. Just not for me. I guess I'm old school, I want the, "Meet someone when I'm out," kind of thing. For me, I've stopped trying after my heart was ripped into two. I've been out with girls after, but that feeling hasn't been there for me since. I think I'm just jaded personally. My thing is...I need to change that this year. I'm old enough, and hopefully wise enough to know that by now. You can't score anything...if you don't take any I right mah-man or girl? Right.