Sunday, February 12, 2012

They Say...

It's Saturday, and that's suppose to mean obscure music Saturday right?  Well not really, as you can see the format for me has changed drastically.  I've been trying to avoid the steady sculpture of the same statue.  Instead, I've gone back to what I love doing most, and that's just writing about bullshit.'s Sunday now, I can't really say that it's Saturday can I?  Lets talk about Saturday though?  Suzanne's party was pretty epic.  The night started off with cooking in the kitchen.  Me making my fake Spanish rice, not Brandon or Steffie, approved.  ^___^  However, good enough.  With the rice made, and me hanging out with the fellas, drinking seemed to be in order.  I attacked margaritas and beer with a passion.  Drank a little scotch, and began to really enjoy my night with a little fun and games.  Good times.     

I don't know, it's days like these that I love most, this interaction of people, and meeting new people for the first time.  I've met a gentleman by the name of Mike.  Mike was awesome, he killed me in chess, made me realize that I stink at chess and probably should learn how to play that again.  I'm not as good as I use to be, and I really wish I was.  That and Connect Four, god I wish I can win one at Connect Four.  However, I think my favorite part of the evening was the bucket list portion.  John introduced us to his new gf, Jean, and she's pretty much buckets.  Good people really, makes me happy that I can continue to surround myself to awesome people.  I also think writing a bucket list with friends makes the bonds of friendship that much stronger.  

So last night I wrote my list, and obviously this isn't my bucket list blog, but I'll throw it up soon.  For now, I'm going to enjoy my lazy Sunday.  Possibly write another blog later on today, listen to a few records, and definitely hit up some guitar practicing, feels good my hands are getting back into it.  Oh, and definitely would like to go for a run in the snow today.  Okay, that last part is a pos, cause I know I'll fall and break my neck down the line.  I'm not the most graceful person there is out there.  

So with that, I leave you with a video of the Sneaker was my trippy 90s period for me.  I love the 90s

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