Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday Funday

Well well well, it's that time of year again.  Stuffing our faces with delicious foods and getting chummy with everyone.  Even though my team isn't in this year, it should be a good game.  Okay seriously, it's hard for me to say that really.  I'm not a Patriots fan, and well, as you may know, I'm definitely not a Giants fan. It is what it is.  So what do I really have to look forward to for this game, well CEC V of course.  We have a lovely cake eating contest that I want to take care of this year.

So what else do I have to believe in this year.  Well, I got the Phillies I'm looking forward to, and I still have the Flyers of course, so all in all as a sports day it would it's a good day.  So as I sit here watching the Flyers game today, I'm going to enjoy the good times with all my friends.  Man I love these guys.  Stupid Flyers, get a bloody goal...WWWOOOOO!!!!  Brayden Schenn!!!

Sorry, Flyers just scored on the Rangers, they've had our number all year.  So, I'm pretty excited.  Anyway we need this win today, so lets hope for a good one people...but lets talk about the real deal sport for today.  The Superbowl...enjoy everybody.  As for me, I'm going to enjoy the rest of this game, and getting ready for the game.

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