So fuck it. I said it, and I'm going to go jumping in two feet first. Seriously think about it. I'm all for being nice to people, whether you are man or woman. I'm going to open a door for you. I'm going to ask, "Hey you need help carrying that?" I'm sorry, it's just the way I am, I grew up with three sisters, I want to believe chivalry doesn't have to die the awful death that it's going. I hate to believe it. However it's going down pretty fast and it's going in a blaze of glory. After thinking about this for a while now. It has just made me mad that some people are just jerks, and honestly you don't have to be. There really isn't any point into being that. Why do you have to rain on my parade in being nice. If you think I'm going to setback the entire women race 40 years by opening a door for you, then by all means, tell me nicely, and I'll just let the door slam in your face. Better no?
So where is all this pent up rage coming from? Well truthfully, it all started on an evening to my neighborhood Starbucks. Now, I'm walking ahead of this lady and mind you she's kinda attractive. However by no means does this mean I only open the door because you're attractive. I'm doing it because I'm nice jerk off. Stupid, bitch, wench. I don't care if you are pretty, you went down 8 pegs for scoffing at me for opening the door and not saying thank you. That attitude isn't going to get you far in life lady. Jerk. So anyway to continue my story, I got my coffee and whipped out my Mac to start typing up a blog. It may have been the Thirsty Thursday one. Anyway, I notice the lady sitting down as well and she's got work to do. After that I no longer pay her any mind. It's what happens next that makes me happy the most.
So as I get ready to head on out, I pack up my things. Laptop, journal, iPod, and cell phone, the usual sort of regulars. As I walk out, I noticed her and a woman in mom jeans getting ready to head out the door. I opened the door for the mother, and was promptly given a, "Well thank you young man." At that same second, I notice the first lady I opened the door with getting ready to walk through, and in my mind I said fuck it, I'm not a doormat, looked at her and said excuse me, and walked through without holding the door. I don't know the look on her face, but it felt right. I'm not really one to have grudges or even do these types of things. I always believe in the gentleman code. However, it's 2012 and why should I care, she didn't. I wish I could have turn around and see the look on her face. I didn't, I was already a jerk enough.
The second thing that really pushed me to write this blog tonight was also the fact that I was listening to an old podcast of Preston and Steve yesterday, and I just thought it was very coincidental that they too had talked about chivalry being dead. What pushed the topic over for me? They received a call from a woman, and she had the audacity to say, "Well, I don't like going to Home Depot, buying a 50lb bag of fertilizer and being asked, "Do you need help carrying that miss?" What else is the employee suppose to do, watch you carry a 50lb bag without asking if you need help? It's his job, he's just trying to be nice. Is there a gender bias when it comes to that? I don't know. Maybe, maybe he thought it was really heavy, and you could use a little help. Obviously I'm not going to ask a husky 275lb man if he needs help carrying a bag that weighs like a feather to him. However, if you're a 105lb girl or even a 130lb girl, if he sees you struggling shouldn't he ask if you need help? Hell, if it was a man struggling shouldn't he ask if the gentleman needs help? God, you suck for being mean and calling in your horrible sexist behavior you had to endure. Screw you get a life lady, he was just being nice. I'm glad you're big and strong and you can carry 50lbs easy. Remind me to slam the door in your face as well. It's women like this that killed chivalry.
I'm not saying I'm giving up on chivalry altogether. But hear this okay. If I change for the worse, it's going to be because of you. However for now, I'll continue to open the door, carry your heavy bags, offer my jacket when you're chilly, offer you a piggyback ride when your feet are swollen, and even offer you a foot rub/massage when you need one. But don't take my kindness and chivalry for granted, cause one day we're all going to become the douchebag you want. And when that day comes I don't want to hear any whining about why can't guys be more gentlemen like...Bitch PLEASE!
On a happier not enjoy tonights videos. The first video is Dave Chappelle's, "Chivalry is Dead," standup. And the second video is a music video of Perfume performing, "Monochrome Effect."
and now for a happy song...
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