What has been going on lately? Honestly, nothing too crazy on my end. Living life, getting things prepared, attempting to get ready for a zombie apocalypse, making dinner, looking forward to buying samurai swords. Zombie demolishing kits, and oh so much more. No seriously, things have been getting pretty busy for me. Between work and trying to train for this 5K, I've now officially added fundraising in the mix. Yup that's right, crossing off one of the big things on my list in life. Fundraising for a good cause. Didn't think it be this year, however here we are right? Crazy.
So lets begin this jib. I've been doing this RTK thing now for about roughly a month. However, I have not been doing any fundraising yet. However, I began thinking I better start before the end of fundraising date. Fundraising ends on April 26th of 2012. My goal? I just want to make at least $500 for Run Team Kina. For some odd reason I thought it would be best. I'm not trying to beg for money hear. Just trying to get the awareness out for Leukemia and Lymphoma. Honestly, I think it's a doable amount, so hopefully I will receive some donation. If not, I'll try my best to make up the difference. If not we'll see what happens I guess. So that's the gist of it folks, just trying to make the best of fundraising, if you like to visit the site please see the below. And if you can, please submit a donation, not only would I truly appreciated, but the people with leukemia and lymphoma would as well. You never know what this future research can go to, and you never know who it may help. Check out the website: http://los.runteamkina.llsevent.org/wei
Okay, well besides all this fundraising thing, I just realized that I also went to an amazing concert on Monday as well. I may have mentioned Eisley before, and well, I went to an Eisley concert on Monday. It was an amazing concert. I can't stop thinking about how good those siblings are, they are pretty amazing really. I can't help but like them. Not only are they adorable, but they are extremely talented. I mean, amazingly talented. I want to put them on the same level as Kina, however I'm not. I just can't Kina is the awesomest. Maybe it's just because I have a thing for girls with guitars or bass or rather, girls that play instruments in general. I'm a sucker for them.
Anyway, back to the concert. It was amazing, playing songs from all three of their LPs and then playing songs on their new EP. It was good. I love how they cleaned up on all of their albums, I also liked the fact that at the merch table I was able to pick up a copy of the "Valley," in vinyl format. That really made my spectacular evening that much more special. The more I hear and attend concerts, the more I want to play better. I don't think I'm playing well enough, but everyone keeps telling me that I'm doing well. I guess practicing helps a lot.
Hmm...let's see, not much else to say tonight. It has been one long day, and I can't wait to get some sleep tonight, for now, evening y'all, and enjoy the Eisley video. I like the second song better than Valley. ^___^
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