For a while, I didn't know where my stance on this was. If you have or haven't heard of Joseph Kony, here is the scoop, Look, I can go all about it and tell you who he is...or you can take a look at wikipedia, and read it from there. That's really all that matters. The main thing I want to talk about is the whole KONY2012.
So lets do this. Kony2012 is a viral activity to get people to know the facts and story behind Joseph Kony. Yes, he needs to be arrest and yes this shit needs to happen this year. Whether this is your take on this or not, you have to agree, Kony is a bad man, and must be charged and taken away for his crimes and injustice. If we can all just get out there and just tell one person about it, we can all make a huge difference. Seriously, if we all just put our minds to it, we can make this happen. I wholeheartedly believe this.
Now for the downer portion of this blog. There have been many rumblings calling the Invisible Children group a shady non-profit organization. So may say the money has been mishandled, some may say that the military group that the Invisible Children group that they are advising and leading are even worse than the LRA. All the propaganda and movies being created to aid in the Invisible Groups cause, is just an easy way to persuade us. And lastly, why isn't anything else being done to get out there and capture even worse guys in our own back yards.
I don't know people, I haven't seen any other videos about any other group, nor have I heard about or seen anything to disprove of what Invisible Children has been doing. However I have seen change from what they are doing. Am I saying that I don't believe that there is a negative connotation going with what Invisible Children is doing? Am I saying that the blogs and other articles disproving the credibility of Invisible Children is true? No, I'm not saying anything, I believe that you have to make your own factual decisions on these matters, and learn more about the case. I myself am just trying to know what is going on behind this whole thing. What does it matter, shouldn't we just care about the good that is being done? Why do we have to disprove or discredit and organization that is just trying to do good. Lets not slander anyones good name. Lets just call it what it is, and just try to give a helping hand.
Next thing on this list of Kony subjects. The idea that people should get a clue and know more about other terrorist and other evil people in the world, well I for one do not enjoy the political fair of these kinds of things. Yes, you're right, I don't know enough, however I know when people need help. If you can prove to me why I should hate someone, or rather have a voice to raise a cause against someone else, then by all means do it, and I shall follow you as well. If I don't know about these things, because no one else talks about it then obviously I have nothing to report or even show for it. In this age of social media and what it can do. I think it's our responsibility to be able to spread this kind of news. Why do we have to shatter peoples notion and say they are wrong or immoral for trying to help. I just want to help. That is all. And if someone can tell me what's going on and I can pass that message along, then yeah. I'm helping. So for all you haters out there I say this. Tough shit, cause you're on your ass not doing anything about it except for sitting on your computer complaining about other people going out there and actually doing something about it. So as my dear friend George would say, "Haters gonna hate."
Just so I'm not on a bias level, here is a video that disagrees with the original video.
As for the below, watch, learn, and maybe spread the word if you like. If not, then continue on your day. It doesn't matter right? You haven't heard about it for the last 25 years, why now?
Look people, this is what is going in the world. I understand it's happening in our backyards. So why not do what we can to fix it all? This could just be the first step in a major thing. Let it be the good that it's trying to be? There is no harm in that right?
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