So some background, I've started going to Dos Segundos for almost two years now. The first time I ever went, I believe it was August 31st of 2012, and it was a half day man day. I went with Brandon and Jason. It was a magical day. Cheesesteaks, drinks, great day. Then Jaypo took me to this magical bar, and well, that's where I got the huge crush on the wonderful bartender at this bar. At this point I knew her as the girl with the yellow shirt, and she was the sweetest bartender I met in NoLibs that day.
A couple of weeks after, I went back again, and there she was again. The best part is, once she remembers you, you'll be remember forever. I guess that's the best thing about her. Since then I've always been known as the birthday boy, and whenever she's at the bar, that's where I want to sit. Oh, and why birthday boy you ask? Well, that's Dave's fault. He told her it was my birthday and I wasn't allowed to pay. As I was leaving, I told her it wasn't my birthday, we had a giggle after that. Man, she saw me drunk a lot in the beginning.
Since then Segundos became one of my favorite bars in the city to go to for the last 2 years. Well lets be honest, it's always going to be one of my favorite bars, but this bartender made this bar for me. With her friendly attitude and demeanor, to her witty comments, and to her attention to details to all of her customers. Okay, and I'll admit it again, I had a huge crush on her too, but then again who in this city didn't have a huge crush on her? I don't know, I read somewhere she was Philly's best bartender or something or another. So, she's earned it.
Now it's an odd thing when you become a regular at a bar. It either means you are extremely friendly and likable person, or you just drink way too much for any human being. Knowing myself, it may be a little from column A and a little from column B. I've had a few bars that I became regulars at. First being Clancy's Bar and Pub in Sewell, NJ, the next one being Stone Grill in Blackwood, NJ. Since then, I've bar hopped to a lot of different places. I skipped out from clubs and going to the bar just made my life so much easier.
Those two bars above I had regular bartenders/waitresses that took care of me and my friends. Clancy's I had Jill, she was amazing, and sweet as a pie. Stone Grill, I knew so many bartenders it lost all meaning. I'm actually still friends with two of them today. Hey Kamila, hey Casey, what's up? They were awesome bars, I actually kinda miss Stone Grill a lot. It was close to my house, cheap, and everyone was awesome and nice. Free drinks were always a plus too.
Dos Segundos, my most recent and latest place to be a regular for me. Their bartender made it great for me, and I came back week after week. Oh, and their pitchers of margaritas, mojitos, and food did too. For a while there I was traveling to Philly every week for their beverages and food, and as always, the girl in the yellow shirt…
Yesterday though was kind of a sad day. As I approached the bar with Jarret, Rachel, and Cara I saw the girl in the yellow shirt working the bar as always. We made our greeting, and right on cue she already knew the usual order. However, tonight was different I told her, and it was just going to be a night cap, and we were all going to just get separate items. She made our drinks, with her friendly smile, and great bartending skills. Once we got our drinks we socialized for a bit, I talked to Jarret about our future options, his future possibilities, and my future possibilities. I watched her defuse a drunk gentleman looking for, "The dustiest bottle of whiskey on her shelf," by stating, "Well we dust our bottles ever 2 weeks, and gave her signature smile. As she turned away from the gentleman and looked at me, I gave her the grin, and she knew the inside joke we were both thinking about this guy and we both giggled. That's what made her great. We finished our drinks, I paid up, and began walking away. I gave her a wave to let her knew we were leaving, and as I did so she waved me back to come back. Of course I did, and that's when she told me, "Today's my last day." As soon as the words were uttered out of her mouth, I don't know why, it felt like someone punched me in the stomach. It came as a shock, and I was seriously sad. I didn't know this girl that long, I don't know a ton about her, but her smile and sweet personality made me wish I did. All I can do was hold and shake her hand, wish her nothing but the best in the new city she was heading off too and congratulate her on her new epic journey. Still in shock, we said our goodnights, and I couldn't utter anything else. I should've asked for her number or at least a social media thing where we could stay in contact. I just couldn't believe a person that I kinda saw on a regular basis on the weekends was no longer going to be there any more.
I know she may never see this, or she even know my name, but birthday boy will always remember hers, just like everyone else that has slung me drinks in my lifetime. You will forever be ingrained in my brain and stitched in a place in my heart, not only because you gave me alcoholic beverages, but also because you were someone I wish I could have known more, someone I knew who would lead an interesting life that I'm attempting to lead. Someone who I think has no fear of change, since she can just uproot everything and move all the way across the country, someone whom I actually inspire to be like. Here's to the girl in the yellow shirt, here is to Marie Rodriguez.