Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wei Tak's Best Man Speech

Technically, it's not really a real blog post, but I really wanted this saved somewhere in case one day this thing gets deleted somehow…so here's the rough draft of this bitch…oh, and this may have started with, "If I can just say a few words…I be a better public speaker."  I don't think anyone heard it.

Best Man Speech

Good evening ladies and gentleman, to the new bride and groom, thank you so much for throwing this gracious and wonderful party. 
You know, I had a really difficult time coming up with this best man speech, heck, I keep a blog folks, and I write a bit, but this was still hard, so let’s start this off with a quote, “They say a good marriage is like a casserole, only those responsible for it really knows what goes in it.”
As you may or may not know, I’m Wei’s best-man and little brother…Wei.  Confusing, absolutely…so, you’re probably going to want to get use to that for now. 
So, me and Wei, we’ve been through a lot, for 29 years, he has groomed me into being the man that I am today.  Without him it would be quite difficult to contemplate where I would be.  We’ve gone on many adventures, from Boston to Washington and even a trip to Vegas.  Many adventures have been had. 
            Growing up with my brother was pretty awesome.  There was one experience that just bonded us forever though.  As two young kids growing up in the restaurant business, you just have to find ways to entertain yourselves.  After the previous night of watching wrestling, Wei and me decided to reenact some of the best of moves that we had saw.  Let me tell you this folks, don’t ever do reenactments near a bathroom.  As Wei was down for exhaustion sitting on the toilet, pretending to be the ropes, me, the Ultimate Warrior bounced offed the ropes to give a final clothesline…however instead of Wei going over the top rope, me and Wei may have smashed the toilet tank, and water was gushing everywhere.  While we looked in shock and awe, the only thing in my mind was, crap dad is going to see this in two seconds, and just on cue Dad comes walking in, and the next thing on my mind was…I’m out of here, and I bolted from the restaurant and hid for the next hour.  Thanks Wei for biting that bullet that day, to this day, I still don’t really know what happened after I left. 
            After that debacle, there is no man I would trust more than him, loyal to the end, trusting beyond belief.  He can smell BS, and will tell you how it is, and if you can’t deal with that, then you probably don’t really know Wei T. Kwok.  So when Wei said he was getting married, I knew that he had found the one. 
Enter the dame.  Tina Zhang.  You know that story where you’re in a crowded room, and you look up and you see the woman of your dreams, and you just know it’s love at first sight?  Well this is just like that love story, however the room is a doctor’s office, and the girl that was across the room, is the girl at the front desk, dispensing your mother’s medication.  It’s the dream folks, it’s the dream we all want, and you know what?  Tina couldn’t be any kinder and sweeter, and she makes my brother happy, which makes me happy.  Thank you so much Tina, and welcome to our happy family. 
As I look at you and Wei both tonight, I realize this is what love is, the perfect recipe, smiling, enjoying each other’s company, and becoming the best of friends.  This is how it is suppose to be, something that I wish I will achieve one day.  I said Wei was one of my greatest mentors in life, and now Tina so are you.  You have taught me what love is supposed to be like. 
And now if I can leave you with some words of wisdom from one of my favorite passage:

“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  Love never ends.”

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