Thursday, February 27, 2014

Stuff Stuff Stuff

I finally realized, this feeling that I’ve been having lately.  Maybe it’s because it’s 2014, and moves are finally being made.  I guess it’s time right, more of that to come.  I don’t want to jinx myself before it gets here. 

Anyway, things have been the same busting my ass at work, finding things to complain about, things grinding my gears, and then the realization that Valentines Day has come and gone again, and everyone is still complaining about the commercialization of it.  I understand people it is quite commercial, but you know what, be happy, you have someone special, so everyday is a gift folks.  Obviously don’t just wait for Valentines Day, everyday should be special for that special someone.  Can you imagine only doing one thing once a year…that be pretty awesome actually. 

Oh, my brother has gotten married; I guess that’s a pretty big thing.  I’m going to tell you people this now, wedding days are great times, and fun for all, unless you’re the best man or maid of honor, you gotta keep that shit legit, and make sure you do everything to keep the best man happy.  The bride is the maid of honors problem, just kidding.  Seriously though, when you’re the best man, shit is rough, no drinking and eating, you take a crap ton of pictures and you cater to the groom’s every need.  Then again this may just be the case for Chinese weddings, and by the way, I’m not doing one of those.  I couldn’t understand the MC, and she didn’t even let me do my speech correctly fuck that shit.  God, I hate them sometimes.  Anyway, that’s my complaint for the day. 

You know what grind’s my gears, the weather this year.  No I can’t say that.  I love the snow, and I love the winter, I guess this is the first time I’m getting tired of it.  Maybe there is just a little too much of it.  Maybe because it’s killing my work flow and making my life a stressful hell, or maybe because the potholes are fucking up my car.  Seriously New Jersey, get on top of that shit, my car is getting fucked up.  I’m glad I didn’t buy a new one yet, Jebus.  Oh, and yeah, supposedly there’s another one coming our way in a couple of days.  So yes! Go Winter!

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