Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Here's to George and Suzanne

I would have really loved to have posted this on Sunday, but definitely way too tired and possibly still inebriated from Saturday's amazing wedding.  I'll get to that, but for now, lets talk about the amazingness that was George and Suzanne's wedding.

August 8, 2014 started off like any other morning.  But this morning was going to be different, that night I was going to my friends' rehearsal dinner.  Picked up my tux, saw George and Tom, and then had a lovely lunch.  Thanks again George, and then finally meet up with Dave, Jay, Steffie, and Jillian. Head on over to the church on 5th and Girard and began the wedding rehearsal.  Let me tell you this by the way, this church.  This church was amazing.  I've seen a lot of churches.  I've been to Notre Dame in Paris, and well, honestly this church is impressive.  http://360.io/P5AnK2 Check it out, it's really an amazing church, coming from the Buddhist by the way.

Next, we were off to dinner at the Tower, a fantastic and lovely dinner.  However it was the heartfelt message that was given by Georgie's parents and George and Suzanne themselves.  It was amazing, just how much love was in this thing I knew George and Suzanne's family were all extremely close, and this dinner made me feel nothing but that love in the room.  It was honestly a great evening, but it definitely was not the big day.  The big day was going to happen within 10-12 hours from now.

August 9, 2014 - The day started at roughly around 8:00 a.m. for me.  I was extremely excited, like it was going to be my day.  However, it wasn't me that I was excited for, but for the lovely couple that were going to become man and wife that day.  Steffie dropped me and Dave off at George's house.  From there, me and Dave had a scotch and waited for the photographer to drop on by.  Helped Georgie with his tux and waited for the limo to come by as well.  The photographer made us take some great pictures, and it was definitely a great time.  Best part though, George not wanting to do the Dutch rudder with me.  Damn it George, damn it…hahaha just kidding buddy, just kidding.  After a few rounds of PS2 and a few rounds of pool, the groomsmen were on there way to the church to see George get married.

As we quietly ushered all the guest into the church, and the church quickly filled up, I could see George and Andy across the way.  You can tell the nerves behind George was finally growing and getting bigger inside him.  I thought the feeling was that point where you're going up on the roller coaster before the big hill down.  The rise just kept coming, in a few we would all be standing by Georgie's side.

This may have been my favorite part of the day.  As we all waited for Suzanne's arrival and her being walked down by her father.  The look in George's eyes, the fidgetiness like it was Christmas morning for this man, was up and down all over his body.  This may have been one of the most amazing thing to see, this is what love is like, this is what love is suppose to be.  To be extremely excited, even after years of being together, but on this day you can weep, and get so excited that for that one moment in time, nothing else matter, nothing in the world will ever be as important as this moment in time, and for that one moment in time, I saw all of this on Georgie's face.  The face of pure joy and love.

Suzanne, looked gorgeous, Georgie looked so handsome, and the entire wedding/mass was amazing.  I learned a ton that day, and I watched two friends get married.  After the incredible wedding, we took amazing pictures, both in the church and somewhere near Independence Hall area.  Afterwards we headed towards the reception.

At the reception, it was nothing but amazingness.  Cocktail hour was great, and the food was even better…however this is where everything goes a little dark for Wei.  I drank way too much in an extremely short amount of time.  At this point, the only thing I remember was tangoing with Marissa as our entrance theme, and more continuous drinking.  Yup…amazing.

George and Suzanne, I wish you nothing but the best and an amazing future.  Currently you're on your honeymoon, and I'm hoping you guys are having the time of your lives.  But remember it's not all fun and games, you guys are going to be on a long and loving journey.  For you both, I raise a glass and wish you all the love that you both have been giving each other for years.


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