Wednesday, August 13, 2014

O Captain! My Captain!

I honestly wasn't going to write this blog tonight.  However after constantly hearing story after story, I'm just going to throw in my two cents, and my feelings towards the death of a man we should all know.  If you have no idea who I'm talking about by now, the answer is Robin Williams.

We've had a lot of celebrity deaths this year, from Phillip Seymour Hoffman to our very own Ghostbuster Harold Ramis.  However, it's Robin Williams death that just felt like someone punched us in the gut.  No one expected this, no one even knew.  I think the worst part is that everyone thought he was okay, and nothing even close to the idea of depression was seen. 

Depression is a hell of an illness.  Everyone deals with it in a certain way.  Some people don't deal with it at all, and they just live with it.  I remember when I was going through a tough time in my life, and my way to deal it?  Alcohol, and a lot of it.  Not one or two or three drinks a night, more of a bottle a night.  This is how I dealt with my depression, but I got out, from the love of my friends and my own realization that drinking my depression and sorrow away would solve anything.  I think it's when you have that realization, that's when you can reach your first steps of getting out of depression.  However it looks as though for Robin, he never was able to reach that realization, and he never got that help he may have needed.  

But let's discuss Mr. Williams.  His standup was hilarious, he had this energy and craziness that made him stand out, he had the stylings of Jonathan Winters, and well you either loved his standup or you didn't.  I for one loved it.  Like I said, he was crazy, wild, eccentric, and hilarious. 

However, it was not just Mr. Williams comedic sense that was amazing, but Robin Williams was also an amazing actor.  You saw Robin Williams caring and nurturing side in Dead Poet's Society and Good Will Hunting, to his crazy and fun side in Aladdin and Mrs. Doubtfire, to even his psychotic crazy side in One Hour Photo. The range on this man is amazing, he has it all.  It's seriously a crazy how good this guy was at acting, everyone thought he was straight up comedic, however Williams have so much range, and he deserved his Academy Award.  

Look, I'm not going to lie, get the message out, if you know someone that has mentioned being depressed, or just seems down in general.  Give them a shoulder, get them some help, let them talk it out.  It sucks, and being depressed happens, but not being able to talk about it, and not being able to discuss it sucks even worse.  It's getting out there to help someone sometimes.  You know, Williams spent his entire life making people happy and laughing, but in the end Robin Williams last final scene, has made us all cry just a little bit deep down inside.  We'll miss you forever Robin, I hope you finally found peace at last.  We're already missing you already.

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