Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Star Wars Dilemma

Hi, my name is Wei Kwok, and I've never watched Star Wars.

Is this bad?  Seriously, this is the question I'm asking myself.  I don't know, I have no interest, I don't want to watch these movies, and by frankly it seems like I never will.  Now, honestly, does this make me a bad person because I don't want to watch this?  I feel like with all my interest and enjoyment of similar types of genre that this would be right up my ally.  Maybe it's my secret inside hipsterness that's making me not want to watch this…however I doubt that.

First of all I don't know what all the hype is about, so there's a dark side and a light side?  Is that what that is?  There's a guys that's supposedly to be someone's father.  There's a one man rebel that follows the beat of his own drum, a witty sidekick, hot princess turns out to be a sister…am I getting this right?  Everything I've learned about Star Wars I've learned from Family Guy and HIMYM.  I'm pretty sure this information is correct…correct?

I don't know, I feel like I missed the boat on this thing.  I don't want to take the time to go back and watch these movies.  I have a friend who only watched the new ones.  I have another friend who has watched them all.  I have another that's just like me and avoided the whole bit what so ever.  I feel the commitment to watch six movies to be a pain in the ass.  So yeah that's where I'm at with this movie.

Isn't there an anime version of this thing, there has to be right?  And there it is, I'm a geek, I like geeky stuff…so why don't I like Star Wars?  I'm not mystified by it, but I guess I wish I was, I'm missing out on a whole bunch of things.  Dammit Meg…dammit.

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