Sunday, March 3, 2013

A What Now?

First things first...I'm extremely annoyed that this blog did not save on Thursday.  Then again, this hasn't been the only thing that is getting to me.  Pretty sure I'm at my tipping point, I'm positive I'm almost getting burned out.

I'm getting to the point where I just feel like someone is in for a real hurt.  I'm definitely thinking, work is kicking my ass, and well, I'm really at that point where I think I just might be placing a two weeks notice.  I guess I shouldn't be complaining, I'm lucky I even have a job.  However, isn't there a breaking  point?  It just seems ridiculous.  There has to be something entirely different in life.  I don't have to keep doing this.  What happens when you're doing the job of 3 different people.  Is it fair?  Is it even feasible, I don't know if it is or isn't, but I just feel like someone should be punched in the face...don't worry, I'm not going to.

Life has been a roller coaster lately.  I'm looking forward to the future, and I'm definitely looking forward to something different.  Last week I hung out with Rohan and his friends.  It was a great time, definitely got my mind off of things, and really enjoyed an awesome Flyers game.  Great seats too, section 114, and only 14 rows from the ice.  It was awesome!  Afterwards we hung out with Rohan's friend in a No Libs apartment.  It was amazing, great place.  In the span of 5 hours, I watch Rohan drink an entire 30 pack, and then some.  Don't know how, but the kid can still drink.  I just can't do it anymore, quite interesting.  We also played an awesome game of baseball.  It's a drinking game that places baseball and beer pong together.  Line up cups in a power I, and that represents the bases, then put one cup out into a corner, call it a home run shot.  So with a team of however many people, you have two baseball teams.  You have a team up to bat, and team that catches, a very interesting concept to the game.  A ton of rules, but definitely easy to learn and play.  Definitely a game I want to try over the summer.

This weekend, I spent a lot of great times with my friends and family.  I need more weekends for myself.  I need more time to learn and pic up on a few things.  I guess I got big plans for myself.  Honestly, I got to stop watching these TV show about yachts, houseboats, and homes made out of epic things, jebus, seriously I gotta stop.

I'm just tired, and really need to get some sleep, will most likely cut this short, it sucks, cause I definitely had a longer blog on Thursday than this.  However, I got to make some calls and look at some pics of that restaurant I've been looking at.  Night y'all, a new blog will come tomorrow.

I wish I can see a Kina concert this year.  Sad that I can't...booo!  Anywhoo, enjoy the video, it's a good cover.

Oh and check this out.

Better than Kina?

I don't think so, but CL does...such a Kina basher.

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