Sunday, March 17, 2013

EPs, LPs...SPs?

Well aren't you kids in for a treat, my wait fourth blog this week?  I don't know, not that it matters, only a select few of people actually read this thing.  Can you imagine if more people read this, they be furious at me, I mean like rip my head off cause my opinions are idiotic so lets rip this kid's head off idiotic.  Yeah, that's the way it is.  Anyway, I'm just chilling at a Starbucks before I head to dinner with Syl and friends.  I'm pretty excited about the dinner and hookah tonight.  I need a like this like I need a bigger paycheck.  I don't know if that analogy works, but I'm going for it gosh darn it.

As you can see, the title states, EPs, LPs, and SPs, and well if you're not musically inclined it's just that.  Extra Play, Long Play, and SPs, I don't know.  They aren't really popular anymore.  Tell you the truth I don't even know what format it is.  I just know that it's supposedly out there.  Whatever, it's not like it honestly matters.  Anywhoo, I'm sitting in this Starbucks listening to The Airborne Toxic Event's new EP.  Must admit, I'm really looking forward to this new album coming out.  I guess I'll just be plain old mad if they skip Philadelphia.  

Well, lets see, I really had an exciting time at Cous Cous.  The ten course meal was amazing, between the lamb, chicken, and the puff pastry filled with a chicken stuffing and a white powder topping.  The savory sweet deliciousness is amazing.  Chicken Bastilla I believe it was called, my favorite dish of all the dishes I had.  What an amazing time.  Oh, and I saw the most attractive belly dancer ever.  Not that I know a lot of belly dancers or anything, however I definitely know pretty when I see it.  Yay her.  So stupid me, not knowing the rules, do I tip her or do I not tip her.  After her trying to get me to dance with her, I decide, yeah better tip her.  With me offering her a tip, I felt like I was giving a stripper a tip. Oh, boy.  However all in all good times.  Then came the hookah.  Delicious, delicious hookah.

And that leads us to the beginning of the weekend.  Head up to Dave's for dinner and drinks.  What a day.  We started drinking and watching Bar Rescue.  Wow, what a great show, and what else?  Play some NHL 13.  However the day was mostly for Harold's, now Harold's make a pretty epic sandwich huge.  It's not the best pastrami, but it is pretty good.  I've always thought Katz was pretty amazing for pastrami.  It's a good time.

Today, made chicken fried steak for the family.  I'm not going to lie, it's not one of the best dishes I've ever made.  By frankly, I was very displeased about this.  Well it was okay, but next time I attempt it, I swear, it's going to be ten times better. for me tonight, I'm heading off to bed, pretty tired, and freaking out about going to work tomorrow.  :(  I shouldn't be.  However, I am.

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