I don't know, I'm sick of all this bs. Isn't life too short to be unhappy. Shouldn't you like what you do? Shouldn't you be something that will improve the quality of your life, make you live to your full potential? That's what it's about right? All that philosophical bull crap. However in the end, what do you have when no one supports you? Nothing, it seems. I don't have anyones blessing at the moment it seems. Is that bad? For some odd reason, I'm beginning to think that. Or is this some manipulative bullshit that they're putting on me so I stay at a place that I hate? Hmm...
Well, I guess I should end the rant there. Sorry folks lets talk about something a little happier. DMB concert, pig roasts, and best friends. Let's start off on Friday. Last week Friday I had gone to the Dave Matthews Concert at Hershey Park. First of Hershey Park...A-ma-zing. It really is the sweetest place on earth, and if you do it just right...the drunkest place on earth. Roller coasters and fun, honestly you can't beat it. I had a blasty blast. Thanks Dave, you're the best buddy. I know you didn't like the set DMB had, but I thought it was pretty awesome, and they played one of our faves...Grey Street. I think we can be happy about that.
Saturday, ahhh...the Ronan annual pig roast. There was fun and games, fantastic food. And above all else a wonderfully and tasty pig. MMMMmmmm...the greatest animal on earth. They give you sausage, pork chops, ribs, pull pork, and above all else the king of meats..."BACON." I love this wonderfully tasty and magical animal. Am I going to have problems when I get a little older, probably. However I'm going out eating my favorite little animal. You oinky McOinkster you. Oh and Erin...sorry, I sucked at beer pong that night, however you carried the team like a Creighton/Ronan/Highland team member you are. Thank god, cause it was embarrassing that I only made 2 cups that night. Oof fah.
Sunday, good old Sunday. Those lazy Sundays where I mix them up with those fakes Sundays that always almost get me fired. Hung out with my super awesome best friend Shirley, we got to shoot the shit for a bit, had some ribs, ate some watermelon. It was a grand old time. Also so the Phillies lose which was also very disappointing. Le sigh. Anyway, back to hanging out with Shirley. Pretty sure she's the bestest. I don't get to hangout with her enough, but when I do, I always realize why she's one of my best friends. Here's to you Shirleynator. You're the bestest. Great weekend all in all...now lets hope for a speedy and quick week. Cause I am already over this week.
"Movement in a new direction will help you find new cheese."
Oh, and Shirley. If you're reading this. ElfQuest be mad expensive, found some for $150. You got yourself a collection there missy. I'm still looking for some hardback ones. I may have found a few. I probably should call you. Peace out girl scouts.
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