Monday, July 16, 2012

They Call it the Combination

What a busy weekend, Friday for me started off with a surprise email from Dave, "Oh Wei, are you still coming up this weekend?"  Why yes Dave, I would love too.  You just saved me from an utterly boring and blah weekend.  So with that in mind, I went to an Old Navy, picked me up a pair of sandals, cargos, and a shirt, and off to Dave's I go.  It was a great time.  Jose Tejas, my first night.  I drank waaaaayyyy too much for my own good.  Margaritas, beer, margaritas, and beer...and then drunken an idiot. Shots for every wrong answer, and yes.  Me and Dave got a lot of wrong answers.  Sigh...why don't I ever learn?  Cause...I love alcohol.  A lot...a damn lot.  Mmmmm....mmmmmmmmm......

Saturday arrives rather quickly.  Waking up at around 6:30...I started my day with a few hours of Battlefield.  Nice indeed.  However it was the second portion of the day that I enjoyed most.  I got to watch Steffie, Aaron, and John run an epic mud run.  These guys are good.  Very good.  I just tried to do a regular 5k and it was difficult.  To me, these guys are my hero.  How epic to do a run, and then an obstacle course included.  How can I top that?  Well, I can't really.  So I'll leave it to the professionals and let John, Steffie, and Aaron to all the hard stuff.  Have fun guys, you guys are doing great.

So what's after a epic 5k run?  How about another Man v. Food adventure, and hitting up the awesomely epic, and out of this world portions of Harold's Deli.  I probably should've taken pictures, however I didn't I just ate and ate and ate.  We received an extra large of pastrami and corned beef.  Man, I do love me some pastrami and corned beef.  They aren't the type of sandwiches I look to make.  However, I don't go out of my way to avoid them either.  I love the brining process.  I love the peppercorns, I love everything about the brisket meat.  It's delicious, fatty, and ever so good.  That's some good eats.

Last and final thing of the day?  Auction night.  The auction wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, however it was still good.  I still want to go again.  Maybe a few weeks from now.  I'll do it all over again.  So the rest of the evening was all fun and games, and the last portion was between me, John, and Dave, good cigars and an even better conversations.  Life was perfect.  However Dave and John, sorry, I just couldn't stay up till 6:30 a.m.  I already woke up at 6:30 that day, and doing 24 hours was not going to make me survive a morning of driving.  So I salute you guys.  You guys are amazing.

That's my weekend folks.  So a few things.  If I make mistakes on apologies.  I just don't check my grammar very often to care.  It's my blog, and I make mistakes.  I just type too much.  However, if you point it out.  I'll try my best to fix it.  Oh and another is good.  Remember that folks.  If I learned anything from my friend Tony Matz, any day you can lift your arms above your head and to your side, it's going to be a good day.  R.I.P. Tony, R.I.P.

A good night is Frank on the record player, and a good cigar or pipe and a nice rocker of very good scotch.

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