Monday, July 9, 2012

Hmmm...Indeed, Quite Shallow and Pedantic

Oh weekends...why can't you last longer?  You come and go so soon, you're always like dust in the wind.  WHHHYYYY???!!!! No seriously good times.  First off, Friday night we had a little drinking action yo.  Hitting up a Tavern with George, Jason, and Jillian, nice start.  Very nice start.  However it is when Saturday that hits, that I thought was going to be the best day ever.  Poor Davie H.  He saw it all coming.  However we did it anyway.  Sorry buddy.  We love you many.

Saturday.  So Saturday started off with me purchasing a crap ton of balloons and party stuff.  I also purchased tobacco for Davie H's pipe.  However we'll get to that in a bit.   So anywhoo, after purchasing all the goods for the party, I went over to Dave's to swim a bit.  Oh, and I don't know how to swim, however I had a blasty blast, especially on the blistering hot day.  Playing basketball pool is awesome, you da man Dave.  Oh and a little ring toss and in the end 2 on 2 basketball with Dave and Po and Big Dave (Mr. Haberle).  It was awesome.  

Then the big event.  We went to Pizza Hut for Dave's big party.  I guess I can't say it was a surprise, however I think the 20 balloons really threw him off, and the party hats and noise blowers/thingies were pretty cool.  Oh, and yes the Miley Cyrus and Hello Kitty balloons were the best part.  Woohoo.  What a great time at pizza hut.  We ordered 5 epic pizza, Hawaiian Luau, Pepperoni, Plain, Vegitarian, and Jalapeños.  Oh man, good times, and delicious.  Poor Dave, sorry I embarrassed you buddy.  But I hope you liked your pizza.

We went back, Dave, Jay, and George went swimming for three hours, and we had an awesome ice cream cake made by Jillian.  Fun times had by all.  Oh, and Dave got some awesome gifts.  Sixers gear from Posef and Jillian, and Battlefield 3 from me, Jorge with a PSN gift card for BF3 and a pipe from I.  However that's going back so most likely Dave is getting a new and better gift from me.  I don't care what you say Dave, you're getting one.

So yesterday was an epic day.  However there is one thing that I've been wanting to do, however I didn't do because I had to do a 5k in June.  However the 5k I did miss was the Color Run.  I've seen all my friends do it and I'm pretty much jealous of this.  I definitely want to do this next year, and that is definitely my goal.  It's just a fun run, with lots and lots and lots of color.  I don't know it reminds me of the Indian festival Holi.  Lots of color and it's awesome.  So next year after I do my RTK 5k, I'm going to attempt to do this 5K, which should be amazing.  So friends and family, get your shit together, cause I'm really expecting all of us to do this next year....PPPPPPWWWWWEEEEAAAASSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE.  Thanks guys.

So yup, that was my weekend in a nutshell.  Fantastic time with great friends and family...and definitely ju-ju-ju-ing with Dave and Jorge...good times.  What did you do? 

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