They pull me back in...
The last 48 hours have been demanding, grueling, and quite depressing. Just as I thought my summer of freedom was about to begin, with big changes happening and whatever and what not. I'm still right back at square one it seems. Well, ironically enough to me it seems. You see yesterday was not the best day for some of my dear friends. I watched a lot of people cry and I watched a lot of people look down and disappointed. However one thing did not change...I survived to see another day. I don't know how it keeps happening, however I just keep busting my butt, and keep on keeping on.
So to my fallen comrades, don't think too hard on it, there are bigger and better things to come. By frankly, I wish I could be in some of your shoes, however for now, until the job is over and I'm finally out of the game. I'll continue to do it. So what next right? Well the next couple of months are going to be the most difficult. I get to absorb the jobs of 2 additional people, bust my butt, and attempt to make a shit ton of money without collapsing to my feet. This is the life I have chosen, and it's awful job. However I gotta pay the bills and someone has to do it.
Or do I? So a peculiar thing happened today...received a call...and things seem quite optimistic. The challenge is how to finagle a few days off. I don't know how, but we shall see, until then. I'm looking forward to receiving some new tees coming in. Alright. I love you Threadless...and you oh so lovable $9.99 sales. I think this year alone I've brought over 20 tees. I love them, and you know who else does...Kina. Just throwing that out there.
Well, it's a short one tonight. I don't have much to say tonight, I think tomorrow's will be longer due to the fact I'm amping myself up for some DAVE MATTHEWS BAND!!! OH EM GEEE!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
What the F*CK!
Well it has been a pretty hectic few days. I don't get life sometimes, it gives you lemons, and well...I try to make lemonade, then the lemon squirts in my eyes and I go blind.'s not that bad really. Actually, I find the way things are going quite interesting. If you had told me this is where I was going to be 6 months ago, I would totally be laughing in your face right now. I would definitely be saying, well maybe, but most likely not. Am I disappointed in myself for believing that? Fuck yeah I am, god I'm douche. I'm glad I have the talks I have with Dave, if not for him, I wouldn't push myself harder than I have to. Thanks buddy. If I make it, we all make it, and that's a fact.
So lets see what else, what else...well I smoked my first genuine birch wood pipe on Friday last week. Me and my buddy George looked so sophisticated smoking out of them. Everything was quite shallow and pedantic. However, we did have an air of regalia around us though. We looked quite smart that night. Kinda like the time Homer found a pair of glasses in a toilet once...
We looked, however we aren't...maybe George is. I'm not the smartest yellow person you will ever meet.
So lets see what else, what else...well I smoked my first genuine birch wood pipe on Friday last week. Me and my buddy George looked so sophisticated smoking out of them. Everything was quite shallow and pedantic. However, we did have an air of regalia around us though. We looked quite smart that night. Kinda like the time Homer found a pair of glasses in a toilet once...
We looked, however we aren't...maybe George is. I'm not the smartest yellow person you will ever meet.
Well, as I head down this road that is inevitable, I've decided. It's time I open this restaurant of mine. I want to bring the best of all the sandwiches worlds into a sandwich shop. I have a lot of recipes down. However I have to cut the recipe list/menu down to 25. I'm certain I can do it, and I'm certain I can make a splash in the restaurant world. I'm not fully trained as a chef or cook, however neither was my father and he certainly did it. If my father can come to America with very little in his pocket and very little on his back and make...then by golly me with my big college piece of paper, and the skills I have acquired throughout the years. I know I can do it.
So what's first up on my menu? I've decided to make a seafood faring sandwich. Secret ingredient shrimp...and other stuff. I feel bad for the people that don't know me in real life. I think it's going to be a pretty god damn epic sandwich. If you want a sneak peek, just ask, and then after that...PATENT PENDING, PATENT PENDING, PATENT PENDING. I got a lot of things going in this noodle. Throughout most of my days at work, I keep a journal, in that journal are my recipe ideas. No one knows about it, however since I'm saying it, you all know now. Go ahead Dave and Jay...blah blah have a recipe diary? Yup, I do. You guys and George, and Anthony are going to be some of my main taste testers. Most likely Wei Tak too. Since we're throwing ideas at each other. I'm looking forward to this epic journey of mine. I'm don't know where it's going to take me, but I think I'm heading towards the right direction.
Oh last but not know what grinds my gears. Ignorant co-workers who you thought were your friends. Ouch...just plain old ouch.
Just the mood I'm in...Ball So Hard...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Why Even Bother?
As you may or may not know, I've been playing a shit ton of BattleField 3 with George. However the other night, I was online by myself, shooting up the screens running around and just plain old doing my thing. However about I don't know maybe 20 or 30 minutes in, a player joined and started ripping my team apart. I just thought...uh okay, this guys is just really good. After about his 20th kill on me, I finally said, "Da Fudge?!" Looked up his score, and yeah, he was about 33 to 0 in his kill/death ratio. No fucking way, I tell myself. However, whatever, I go on and continue playing. I finally catch this guy in an open field with about 5 other teammates, and they are swarming him, he picks 2 off, and the other guys are just blasting away at him, but he's not going down. I finally reach him from behind, and I try stabbing him with the one hit avail. Yup this guy was using Lo and behold, admin caught wind, guy gets kicked, our team catches up from 125 to 68 ticket count and win the game.
Needless to say it was a good night, but this got me thinking back to my Counter-Strike days. What is the infatuation at cheating in a video game? I don't get it? Don't you want a steady field, don't you want to beat a squad fair and square? I don't get it. You know what grinds my gears? Hackers. You take the time out, go all god, and kill everyone in your way without one iota of a challenge? Tell me...WHYYYYYY????!!!! You do realize Mr. Hacker, you're not impressing anybody. know what's more impressive, taking two squads out single-handily. It feels good, try it, you'll be a hero then. So that really just grinds my gears.
You know what else grinds my gears? The future, and the way some people don't tell you what's going to happen, but give you a glimpse of it. I'm not going to say anything yet, however if you know me personally, then you know what's going on. If I didn't have a goldfish, then why would I have the bowl Bart? Why would I have the bowl?!!! Le sigh, and the work continues, and it's time to move on and find something else. I don't know what, just something.
Been re-reading the captain's log lately, Dave, George and I are some funny as shit people. Every time I read it, the more and more I think we can write our own movie script. Watching a few WongFu production movies, that's that youtube thing I posted the other night, and I think seriously believe it's doable. I kinda want a consensus between the group before I do this, I know this was Jay's thing and all, however I feel like I can definitely write a romantic-comedy easily with my group of friends. Wishful thinking, maybe, but I still believe it can be done. I got lots more things to say, however for tonight, I am kinda tired after this long day, and feel tomorrow's blog will be a good one as well. However for tonight, be good everyone, and enjoy the new Kina cover. She's pretty awesome, and Fleet Foxes isn't so bad either.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Duuuhhh...I Don't Know
Life is simple. You're born, you be a kid, do kid stuff. Then you grow up a little, go to kindergarten, go to school, and learn stuff. Then you grow up some more, go to middle school learn things have fun with your friends, be merry and happy. You grow up some more, learn more things, go to high school learn about other stuff, be merry and happy. Grow up some more, go to college, get a degree learn a bunch of shit, be happy, be merry. Grow up even more, get a job, learn about the real world work your ass off till you can retire and be happy and be merry.
Now there is a bunch of shit that I didn't throw in there, and I'm going to tell you right now, the shit that I didn't throw in there is for a reason, cause's the main topic. All the while, as you grow up and you try to figure shit out and do the best you can to be happy and merry and learn a ton of shit, the opposite sex becomes involved. That's when life gets difficult no? I mean, by no means do I think the opposite sex is bad, on the contrary, them shits straight up delicious. However it seems the more you're in a relationship, the more of a pain in the ass it can be.
It has been less than 3 months, and I've seen about three relationships that went to rainbows and sunshines, to kinda going into the shitter. I don't know what to think, by frankly the more I think about it, the more I enjoy being not tied down. I don't like hearing the dreadful stages of the relationship. However, the more I do hear it, the more I believe that everyone goes through it. By no means am I a Dr., even though I want to play one soooooooo badly. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in California. Seriously, I feel for these guys and gals. Not only these acquaintances/friends/family members worry me. I kinda think to myself, gee what do you do after the honeymoon stage is over? And if the honeymoon stage is over? Does that mean the relationship can't last? It is what it is I guess. Some have to work harder to push the relationship to the next stage, some choose to forfeit and let it go. There was a video my brother showed me...I guess about a year ago. It kinda reminded me of what a few of my friends/family are going through now. Check it out below.
Yeah, it's a bunch of Asian actors, but it depicts a relationship pretty well. Good for these guys making an epic video. Oh yeah, and another thing, that song you hear at the end. The one and only...Kina Grannis. Just thought I throw that out there.
Well that's my rant a rave tonight, and a tip to all my friends out there that are in that slump in their relationship. You argue cause it conveys some sort of communications, however constantly arguing will not help the cause, you gotta be able to listen as well. However, when you know it's not right, you just know. But don't lose faith and let go so easily, fight for what you love. Think it through, and remember, is the juice worth the squeeze. Peace out kids.
Now there is a bunch of shit that I didn't throw in there, and I'm going to tell you right now, the shit that I didn't throw in there is for a reason, cause's the main topic. All the while, as you grow up and you try to figure shit out and do the best you can to be happy and merry and learn a ton of shit, the opposite sex becomes involved. That's when life gets difficult no? I mean, by no means do I think the opposite sex is bad, on the contrary, them shits straight up delicious. However it seems the more you're in a relationship, the more of a pain in the ass it can be.
It has been less than 3 months, and I've seen about three relationships that went to rainbows and sunshines, to kinda going into the shitter. I don't know what to think, by frankly the more I think about it, the more I enjoy being not tied down. I don't like hearing the dreadful stages of the relationship. However, the more I do hear it, the more I believe that everyone goes through it. By no means am I a Dr., even though I want to play one soooooooo badly. And if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in California. Seriously, I feel for these guys and gals. Not only these acquaintances/friends/family members worry me. I kinda think to myself, gee what do you do after the honeymoon stage is over? And if the honeymoon stage is over? Does that mean the relationship can't last? It is what it is I guess. Some have to work harder to push the relationship to the next stage, some choose to forfeit and let it go. There was a video my brother showed me...I guess about a year ago. It kinda reminded me of what a few of my friends/family are going through now. Check it out below.
Yeah, it's a bunch of Asian actors, but it depicts a relationship pretty well. Good for these guys making an epic video. Oh yeah, and another thing, that song you hear at the end. The one and only...Kina Grannis. Just thought I throw that out there.
Well that's my rant a rave tonight, and a tip to all my friends out there that are in that slump in their relationship. You argue cause it conveys some sort of communications, however constantly arguing will not help the cause, you gotta be able to listen as well. However, when you know it's not right, you just know. But don't lose faith and let go so easily, fight for what you love. Think it through, and remember, is the juice worth the squeeze. Peace out kids.
"Cause it's better to love whether you win or lose or die. Yeah, It's better to love whether you win or lose or die. It's better to love, and I will love you 'til I die." - The Airborne Toxic Event
Sunday, June 17, 2012
This bloggie-ma-jig
So yeah, I've been missing on this thing right? Hahaha, funny story. George got me into this game, you may have heard of it, it's called Battle Field 3. Anywhoo, I've been quite enamored with it, okay more addicted to it. I'm trying to ween off of it, but it doesn't seem to be working. However with that being the case. I have been away for a while. Things have been on my mind, and well, shoot, things have been happening. As you may or may not know, the last big ticket thing was Ohio/Kentucky. Great times. So what else has been going on in my world? Well...let's get into it.
First and foremost. Happy Father's Day to all those dads out there. Good for you guys out there being the best you can be. Now, as you may or may not know. I've been away for BF3 reasons, and well, I've also been training for 5K. Here it was the 5K. Here's to you Mr. Gary Papa, lets fight prostate cancer. Anyway, so I ran a 5k today...kinda.
Let me explain. As I left my home this morning, well dressed in my running gear. I had this deep nervous feeling, something about this thing I was finally going to accomplish this year. Well. I did it. I finally did it...sorta. Okay, so as I approached the tent for my 5k, I noticed that I didn't have a number. I realized that I had to go look it up on the registration board. So I did got my number and walked back. What I didn't know was that I must have signed up for the walking part of the 5k...WHAT THE F*CK!! I didn't want a non-timed walk. I didn't sign up for a walk, I signed up for a run! I asked the kind volunteer...I think there's a mistake, I think I should be running, and need one of those white number dealies? She replies with, "Nope, you're 5385, you're walking." Hmm...and the predicament begins. I asked how can I get a runners registration since I want to run...only Since no CCs are allowed, I'm shit out of luck. I do my best hold my head proud...and attempt to run the walking path. Getting my balls broken each and every step of the way. *Sigh* This is my life, sometimes it's just the world laughing at me...and all I can do is laugh at myself. Cause if don't, well...I probably really cynical by now. So in a nutshell...I kinda did a 5k...just not one that I was expecting. Here's the thing, I'm promising myself another 5k. I'm doing it this fall...and I'm going to run and complete it like said. I'm pretty sure I ran a 32 minute 5k. But this time...I want proof of it. So let's get ready to do this jib again.
Just re-watched the Pacquiao vs. Bradley fight...not that I'm a huge boxing fanatic. However I'm pretty sure this sport is rigged. The guy completely dominated 10 of the 12 rounds, and from the statistics and all the punches he landed. You an clearly see Pac-Man winning the damn thing. It's a sad day for the sport. Whether you watch or not, if the sport is rigged, I may as well continue to watch the WWF...yea, it's the WWF, not the WWE. Hope Pacquiao fights him again, and this time definitely rips him apart.
So what else has been going on in Wei's world? Not much, my brain has been on empty lately, I've been thinking about a few things. Can't say yet. However, I don't know. I guess I feel kinda empty. Something is missing in my life. Don't know what it is. But, I feel like I'm not making the most of it. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm not happy, it's just, I don't know. It'll be has to be right? Of course it does. Of course it does. Oh, and another thing...I suck at fantasy baseball this year...*sigh* not my year. Pujols was a bad signing, no one is swinging, and my pitching is terrible. Cliff Lee still hasn't gotten me a win, and everyone else is just getting by for me. How can Fat Joe have a better record than Lee...sad sad day.
When I hear this song, this is how I think about the future. I have no idea where I'm going, I don't know what's going to happen, however the people I love most will be with me forever.
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