Monday, April 1, 2013

You're Not the Time Kent

This weekend past by pretty quickly, and well I've learned one thing.  Okay, maybe a few things, but two of the most important things are 1.  I'm not meant to play basketball, I can only shoot 30% on the foul line, that's just terrible.  Numero dos?  Well, I've started drinking way too much again, and my goal, I'm not going to drink at all during the work week.  I can't say all week, cause well, beerfest is this weekend, and it be just plain old silly not to drink my self silly.  However that's my game plan this week and I'm sticking too it.  Monday night...successful.  Yay!

Well it's the start of the 2013 baseball season has begun, as I sit here watching the Phils and doing some business and my blog, I've realized, baseball is so much more fun when you're playing fantasy baseball.  If it's true or not, and if I'm the, "Blitz" or not, I'm going to enjoy the fact that I'm in for another long season, and looking forward to some fun times.  

I'm sitting here imagining what camping is going to be like.  I really don't know, I guess it can be fun.  Never thought I would ever go camping, but there are a lot of things I thought I would never do.  I'm actually really looking forward to cooking in the wild, as well as building a fire a la Bear Grylls style.  I just want to build one by hand.  No nothing, just me and the wilderness...and a tent, and a radio, and maybe my cellphone.  I hate camping.

It's a short night, trying to do work and a blog, not very smart.  Trying to do a blog, work, and watch the Phillies game, no production whatsoever.  However before this night ends, I really recommend watching the red band trailer for "This is the End."  That movie looks amazingly hilarious.  

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