Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Sports Sports Sports

Now, there's a lot of things I can do tonight.  Do some work, make a few phone calls, write a blog sports all night.  I have three options tonight.  I have the Sixers, which as a child growing up, I watched a lot of basketball.  As an adult, don't watch as much anymore, but by golly, I'm still interested.  Choice number two.  Hockey.  I hated hockey as a kid growing, and I mean I couldn't stand it at all.  However, hockey is slowly but surely turning into one of my favorite sports to watch.  Man hockey is fun and awesome.  Last but not  Watching Roy at the moment, getting his groove back, and even though I know he's on Dave's team, I still rooting for Roy.  I want Roy to be the man, he deserves it.  Are we going to get the same Roy we had a few years ago?  I don't know, but I know that in his twilight years it's going to be quite interesting to see Roy do his thing with the off speeds.  "You're Doing it ROY!"

I'm sitting here now watching the Flyer's PP, come on fellas, let see that number one PP team now shall we.  Well it wasn't a power play, but let see Cooter get one shall we, damn right you will.  Man, I haven't turned the channel in a while, and I really want to watch the Phil's game...and here I go.

Ughh...up and down, not feeling good about tonight.  The weird thing is this, it has been a rough year to be a Philadelphia sports fan.  However, I'm praying the Phils will be our savior of the year.  Come on guys do your thing.  I guess after all these years, we've been spoiled pretty good.  So what now?  The dark ages are back?  Please for the the love of god...lets hope not.  Cause, it will be quite sad and disappointing.

Well unfortunately, this is another short one tonight.  I've a lot of work to do tomorrow, and I've got to get ready for beerfest, making a few peanut belts, and getting my options ready for the weekend.  I really looking forward to it.  I have a lot of things planned, not a lot I can say on here yet, but I'm working towards that next big step...yes, that next big thing.  Do work kids, do work.

So last year, my friends and family, and some random strangers helped me make close to 750 dollars in charity funds.  All of that has gone to LLS, and well I didn't think RTK was coming back, the video below.

RTK is back, and well I'm back in it this year.  I haven't started any training, and well I pretty much in no shape to run a 5K.  I sucked at running before, and pretty sure I'm back at doing not so good.  However if it's for Kina and a good cause, I don't mind making the best of it.  So here's to training, and here's to the next run.  And here's to earning money for Kina.  Probably one of my most favorite human on earth.  Love me some Kina.  WOOT!!

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