Saturday, November 3, 2012


What a tumultuous week it has been.  Sandy destroy a majority of my state, there has been no electricity for a major part of the week for millions, streets are littered with animal carcasses all over, and it feels like the 70's all over again with all the cars waiting for gas at gas stations.  I'm just going to wait for them to start choosing license plates that end in even and odds and for certain cars to get gas on certain days...insanity folks, insanity.  I just like to count my blessing on this situation.  Lots of things could have been worse for us down here in the southern portion of my state, but it wasn't.  Like I said, counting my blessing that it wasn't.  I feel for the people here, well gotta remain optimistic.  I've already donated about $200 in charity, it's not a lot, but every bit helps right?  It has too.  Also the P&S Campout for Hunger is quickly approaching, and I sure as all hell would like to donate, and contribute some of my time once again this year.  Last year felt right, it felt good to help out, and I know I'm going to take a day off from the work week once again to do the same.  Why not right?  I have all this time, and helping the community never hurts.  Something that will return us to the normalcy before all of this.  I feel like we all need that.  This thing we call normalcy.  It's such an important word nowadays.  I seriously thought Sandy was no big deal...ugh...dead wrong this time Wei...dead wrong.

I've been wondering about the #RTK.  Will I participate in another 5K this year?  I don't know, however, I feel like I'm right back to where I've began, I haven't ran in a long time.  Ughh...not good.  Well, I figure I need to get back into the swing of things.  Probably a smart move in the end.  I'm going to try to start collecting now.  I need to start now.  I feel like if I start too late, I won't make enough.  Definitely want to beat my goal of last year and make at least $1,000, now that's a lot of money, but definitely going to a good cause.

You know, I have all these good intentions on my mind, however in all honesty.  I don't know where I'm going to be in a few more months.  Am I still going to be around?  Am I going to be able to do all of this for another year?  Or is this all a pipe dream of some sort?   I don't know anymore...I have no clue.  Is getting my gun license a bad idea?  Will the paperwork be approved in a few months?  Is all this planning going to be for naught?  What am I waiting for?  Seriously.  I'm scared, where am I heading, why can't finding restaurants be more easy than this.  The only definite plan that I have so far is that I know I'm going back to Boston in a couple of weeks.  Maybe Dave can come this time...I know Wei Tak is.  So no matter what happens, should be an interesting time.  One more look before I say no, and I'm definitely staying overnight this time.  Ugh...12 hours of driving in one day is just way too much.

So with everything that has been going on lately, let's have a way to get back to normalcy.  And what better way to achieve that?  A TOP 10 LIST OF MY FREAKIEST AND FAVORITE HORROR order...(Daaavvveee...)

10.  Quarantine 2: Terminal 

Wanna talk about a junk food horror movie?  Here it it good?  No, not at all...that's why it's 10, however is it a good junk food movie that will make you jump?  Heck yes, that it will.  It's a fun little creepy movie, and that's just it, fun.  

9.  Paranormal Activity

Ever since the Blair Witch...movies like these have always freaked me out.  That, POV, shaky camera dealie, that's what this is, however the freaky part is, it's the safety of your own home, I don't know why, but this just takes everything that is safe and holy in your own home out.  *shiver* creepy...should've never watched this on Netflix home alone...stupid Wei...stupid.

8.  Dawn of the Dead

First time I've ever seen a zombie in a movie theater...first time I ever had to not scream when watching a scary movie...first time where I wasn't allowed to cover my eyes cause I was sitting next to a girl I liked...first time I've sat next to an Asian girl that I had liked and watched this movie with...I don't know what the scariest moment sitting through this movie cause I wanted to act like a man...or me actually liking an Asian...first and last...done. 

7.  Interview with the Vampire


Is this a horror movie?  I don't know if you can or can't count it as that.  However back in 1994 when I was just a wee lad.  This movie gave me the he bee jee bees...sorry if other people don't find it scary, but the part where Kirsten Dunst gets burnt by the sun has scarred me for life.  *shivers...*

6.  Bram Stroker's Dracula

Vampires freak me out...end of story.  It's the neck thing too.  I don't like it.  I don't like it at all.  

5.  Poltergeist

One of the very first horror movies that I have ever watched.  Little girl gets sucked up by house.  Gotta find little girl, creepy medium, scary skin scene.  Oh god, why was I watching this as a child.  Jebus...yea...creepy

4.  Amityville Horror

Based on a true story that freaked me the heck out.  For the longest time I thought it was the house that possesed him, to this day I still don't know what the fudge happened, it was just plain old scary.  Hearing stories about this today still freak me out.  New finding and new everything.  Oh geez.  

3. House on Haunted Hill

This movie should've never scared me as much as it did, it was terrible.  It was an awful movie.  Seriously horrendously bad.  It was so bad, but I had nightmares for weeks...smh.  I  don't know it scared me.  I watched this with Anthony too...I'm an idiot.  

2.  Blair Witch Project

God I hated this movie, I won't go to basements by myself.  This was so real to me.  I watched this movie before all the hype, I watched it before everyone knew it was a fake.  I got freaked the f*ck out.  Oh my god I had nightmares for weeks.  I hate scary movies.  

1.  The Exorcist

Yeah scariest movie of all time.  This movie scared me to no end.  I hate this movie, and everything that it brings, it freaked me out to no f*cking end.  Fudge you the Exorcist...fudge you.  

Lots of great movies I missed, but I could never finish a lot of them.  The above I've finished.  

Honorable Mentions:

The Shining...No beer and No t.v. make Homer go something...something...

"Love is a ruthless game...unless you play it good and right."

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