Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Simpsons

Ahh...The Simpsons, a show that has been near and dear to my heart since childhood.  I grew up watching this show, and I'm pretty sure anyone under the age of 25 has as well.  Quite frankly, kids born in 1988, they don't know what a world without The Simpsons is like.  I'll tell you what, that is a world I don't ever want to be in.

So throughout the years, there have been plenty of episodes with plenty of guest stars.  Some were good, and some, well not so good.  Of course you have your classic and mainstay characters, i.e. Lionel Hutz.  To your one time one and done characters, i.e. Alison Taylor from season 6 who played the grade skipping 2nd grader that did everything better than Lisa.  So lets take a walk down memory lane, I'm gonna name my top 10 special guest characters.

10.  James Taylor


Oh yeah, James Taylor.  I know what you're thinking, James Taylor?  I'm crazy right?  Nope, it's the greatest thing on earth.  It's also in one of my favorite episodes on the Simpsons as well.  Homer getting a astronaut gig, trying to leave his place in history books.  Yup, that's the idea, and if you cut and paste that clip into the url bar at top, you'll see how good James Taylor really is on this episode, and why he's on my top 10, and why he's on this list of top special guests.

9.  John Waters 

Homer's Phobia, another amazing episode.  How can I explain this.  It's the episode where Homer makes a gay friend, and it's as funny as it sounds.  John Waters is the special guest, and guess what...epic.  Seriously, the episode starts off great, and it ends hilariously when Bart finally finds out that Homer thinks he's gay.  Hahahaha...sweet.

8.  Winona Ryder

Ahhh...Lisa competition.  In Springfield, Lisa is one of the smartest.  MENSA, an all around smart person.  Another great special guest in the Simpson World that would be missed if she didn't come.  It's not the greatest episode, however, it's pretty darn good.  Damn good.  Oh, and I couldn't find a clip of Alison, so watch this clip that was in the episode.  

7.  Jon Lovitz

How many characters can be named from this guy?  Well too many to count really.  Artie Ziff and Jay Sherman, were two big  characters.  Seriously if you haven't seen any older episodes, you better go out there and start watching some, cause you'll miss out on some Jon Lovitz episodes.  Go, go, go...do it now. 

6.  Kelsey Grammer

Yeah, seriously...one character's name...Sideshow Bob.  That is all you need to hear right?  Right.

5.  Joe Mantegna

Fat Tony, what a great character.  So many great episodes.  However seriously, I'm gonna have to say, it has to be when Marge hires the mob for protections.  That episode is awesome.  

4.  Phil Hartman

I miss Phil, I miss the fact that he should still be alive, we should still have Lionel Hutz, Troy McClure, Lyle Lanely, and others.  I miss Phil.  

3.  Baseball Pros...

Greatest episode ever...enjoy.

Now, I know there are two more episodes, but I'm going to let you finish that.  Can you give me two more...I can, but I'm gonna let you finish.  

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wei's Back!

It was a great weekend this weekend. I can't fancy that enough.  You know that thing I've been trying to do, well I did it.  Well guess what, I'll tell you more about this later on, for now lets look what happen and how this weekend actually started.  

Friday, so lets start on that day.  I took a half day from work, and guess what, best thing ever.  So anyway, it was Suzanne's birthday, so I wanted to make sure everything was welled prepared for her.  Picked up her gifts, and waited for everyone to get home to head down to AC for the night.  First stop Chickies and Petes for dinner.  Next stop AC!  So we get there of course the first thing me and Dave do, hit the tables of course.  Cause well that's what you gotta do, you play to win you're down there right?  Of course you do.  I didn't win, so yeah, that's what happens when you go down there, however it's been forever since I've been down, and losing, well it doesn't hurt as much, so no worries.  However, I got to do it all over again next week.  Oh man...I can definitely win my money back next week though right?  Fuck yes, of course I can.  

Okay, welcome to Saturday.  Oh man, what a day Saturday was, it was probably the most awesomest day ever.  Started off with a nice run in the morning, watched a little anime/tv, then another walk/jog with Dave at the park.  Good times, then right after, a nice game of NHL 13 at Jay's parents house we head to the mall.  Picked a nice outfit for Dave's big day on Monday, and finally headed towards the Northern Liberties in Philly.  So for a while I've been talking about this sweetheart of a girl at this bar called Dos Segundos.  So as me, Dave, and Jay sat and had dinner at a table, I glanced across the bar and saw her.  I knew she saw me, and she smiled.  Do I think she remembered me?  I don't know, but my heart was a flutter and it began pounding a mile a minute.  It has been a while where a girl has given me this feeling.  Does it sound gay?  Of course it does, but when a girl breaks your heart, and you finally find someone across the room that makes you kinda melt inside, it's a little special.  Anyway, there she was, and I did what I always do best...*sigh* drink.  

That's right folks, good old liquid courage, because on this night, Wei was going to do what he totally didn't want to do, but needed to.  Because honestly, it has been too long, and I'm pretty sure I need to get back out there.  Oh, and yes, I put myself into third person, so shut up and no need to put me on blast for it, unless you want to...jerks.  So after our meals, we pay the waitress and head to the bar.  After talking for a bit, and my inebriation levels increasing, I finally was able to ask her name, get to know her a little, and you know the same shit I always do, which is try to be me.  I don't know if it ever works or not, however I can't be anyone else but me.  Well the night was coming to an end, I definitely wasn't going to leave without asking her.  So, mustered up the courage, and asked her to dinner.  With a sad look on her face, I knew what was going to happen next...because folks, she had a boyfriend, and I knew.  Why  because as Dave, Jay, and I were having dinner, I saw her talking to a guy outside of the bar.  Then I saw her giving him a peck on the cheek, and what looked like a squeeze of the hand as he walked away.  They had that look...the look that I want, the look that I want to have and wish I can get again.  I knew right there and then, this girl was taken, and her heart belonged to someone else.  I didn't have the heart to tell Jay and Dave, and guys, this is why I was so quiet, because right at that moment, as my heart was a flutter...at that same time, it broke and shattered all in one evening.  However, that is life folks, and well...100% of the shots never taken, never go in.  So I asked, and I found out what I already knew.  Sometimes you just need to hear it first hand.  I'll always have that bar that is becoming one of my favorites, and hopefully one day I'll become a regular too.  On to the next one Wei, on to the next one.  

So yeah, this is my life at the moment, what I want I can't have, what I can have I don't want.  There's this story, a girl is speeding on the highway, and she gets pulled over.  The cop says to her, "Sweetie, I've been waiting for you all day."  And the girl tells the officer, "I'm so sorry officer, I've been trying to get here as quick as I can."  And even though the joke/story isn't funny or anything, it does have a meaning, I don't know where this girl is suppose to be in my life, however there is one out there.  And what I don't know is...she's on her way.  She's trying to get here into my life, and I'll work on that soon.  Some days I feel like Ted from, HIMYM.  Doing my hook ups and loving the single life, but at the same time, I miss that feeling, that look, that linger.  I can say it on here, cause well this is my soapbox, and I'm allowed to be a pussy/pansy.  However in all honesty, I know no one wants to die alone or be single forever.  I'm just keeping it real.  Live, love, laugh...that's what it's all about right?  Of course it is, of course it is.  

Enjoy Eisley folks, it fits the theme of this blog.  Oh, not my video, so don't hate, just something I found on youtube.  So enjoy.

Oh hey guys, one last thing, my friend Paul is trying to get people to see his band at Souper Groove Music Festival this year.  Check him out, the site is https://www.facebook.com/soupergroove. Contact Paul Galdi for more info.  Should be a cool thing.  ^___^

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Great weekend this past weekend.  In Sayville, this weekend, and of course it was the greatest thing on earth.  First, it's Ms. Papagno, why is my friend Steffie so awesome?  It's because she had a mother like Ms. Papagno.  If your parents is a window into your future, then I can see Dave is going to be in good shape, because once again, Ms Papagno is pretty much like candy.  Sweet she is, and awesome.  Done, and done.

Oh yeah, and another thing.  College Wei is back, it's not 2013 yet, but that's the motto for the New Year coming up.  Wei's back!  And things are going to be changing this time around.  As you may or may not know, I have a lot of things up my sleeves, and here comes the change.  I'm aiming for November, which is obviously very soon, but I've been doing this for sometime now.  However, I won't be disappointed if the date gets pushed back for a month or two.  However, I know for a fact it's happening this year.  Lots of things are happening this year.  Stick around folks.  Things are happening, and that leads me to my next portion of this blog.  Keep reading, and enjoy.

Well as you know, I'm moving towards my future, I'm scared, and it's freaking me out.  However, I'm doing it.  I'm going to Boston, at least to take that leap of faith, and to take a look at the place.  Also the fact that this dream of mine seems to be unfinished.  I don't know where it's being place or where I'm going.  However it's moving quite quick.  I don't want to jinx myself or it, so it's now leading to this...what if there were parallel universes?  What if one path lead us down to another path?  I've been thinking about this lately, past loves, past decisions, past choices...you know all that jazz.

Well here we are, and to this day, I still think of things like you know...stuff.  Another thing, have you ever realized what life would be like if, I don't know, sticking with your first major.  Take me for instance, what if I had actually become a doctor?  What would I be doing now, looking at teeth and placing braces on.  How would have that worked out for me?  I don't know, but it could've been a good thing, however I know I would miss not having a restaurant.  Yeah, that's the kinds of things.  So don't take your choices lightly, everything has a reason and a meaning, so take a look at yourself and the choices you make.   It could be better or worse, however don't think worse.  It all happens for a reason.  

So here I am, sitting here worried, and contemplating my next move and step, what I'm going to do about both the restaurant and this thing I need to handle at dos segundas...Do Work?  Wei's back!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend, Football Season, and More...

It was a nice weekend, lots of things on my mind, but this weekend really helped.  How should I explain this?  I don't know what I'm worried about, however I'm scared.  I've got all of this planned in my head, and now I need to take this next step.  I think this irrational fear is the fact that failure is the step that will happen.  There's this episode of How I Met Your Mother, it's right after Ted starts his own architecture firm, he tells the story of a architect that forgot about the books.  What does it mean?  Well, Ted tells the story of an architect that built a library, a perfect spectacle, however the building sunk into the ground every year an inch and a half because he forgot to account the weight of the books.  Just like how Ted feels, I feel the same way.  What if my sandwiches don't compete, what if my building sinks into the ground every year?  I know I shouldn't think that, because that's the first step towards failure.  So I'm just going to continue to believing in my products, and know that my stuff has to be good.  I gotta believe and not be pessimistic about all this.  Do it live, cause that's all I can do.

Lets see what else is going on, great weekend, didn't see the hipster chick at the bar this weekend, however I'm hoping I'll meet her again.  Quite disappointing, I'm feeling that I got a shot a this, man I should've done it the first time I was there with Jay and Brandon.  Posef really needs to get me that shirt with the "P" on the front of it and the, "USSY" on the back of it.  Really just fucking things up lately.  Oh well, there's always another chance, can't wait for that.  Woot!  Hipster chicks. 

Football season is upon us.  It's that time of year, where for 16 weeks, we watch sports no matter what, and not just any old sport, but football.  Some of the greatest stuff on earth.  Oh, and not soccer, real Americanize football.  That shit is awesome, and with an Eagles win today, it's starting off pretty nicely, even though it was a little to close for my liking.  However we gotta believe Vick is a little rusty since he hasn't really played in the offseason.  So the real challenge is next week against the Ravens.  All I can really say is..."Go Birds!"  And welcome back football.  

Last but not least, heading to Sayville next week.  Super excited for Ms. Papagno cooking and stories.  It's pretty much some of the most awesome things on earth.  That and the fact that we're hanging out with everyone is an awesome idea.  September is shipping up to be extremely busy and awesome.  However with new suit in hand and new beginnings right around the corner things are looking kinda peachy I guess. So lets do this up right.  Right?  Enjoy the week people.  

Oh, and going to start my running regime again, waking up tomorrow at 5:30 to start training for another 5k.  Kinda want to do this color run and more.  Woot, lets do this shit.  

Watch that video to the end.  That shit is hilarious.  Seriously.  

Thursday, September 6, 2012

I Fell in Love With...the Bartender

There's this infatuation, I don't know what it is.  Maybe it's that nurture feeling that someone is serving me drinks, or I don't know, maybe cause they're just really hot.  I don't know, those girls are tricky and deviant.  Son of a bitch.  I think my infatuation with bartenders must have started when I was in college and went to one of my favorite bars growing up.  How should you say this?  It was basically hot girl olympics in there. Crazy!  As I grew older, the bartenders got hotter and hotter.  It was awesome, and now as I am adult, things have changed, but the bartenders that serve my drinks are still hot and awesome.

So how do you get the magical holy grail?  I've always wanted to go after the hot chick serving my drink, and now that my infatuation has kicked in full force.  I just want to go back to the Northern Liberties in Philly and see the girl in yellow once again.  I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, but I think we're going back tomorrow.  So let's make this happen huh?  I don't know, I guess I'll do what I'll have to do.  Come on hipster chick, lets have dinner huh?  

Well it's been hellish these last few weeks, I've been working so much and basically lost our team lead.  I don't know what else is going on, it just sucks at work lately, and well, I really need a change of pace.  I'm sick of this, I'm sick of this pace of life, and all this work that we're getting.  I'm sick that this is what has it all come down to.  I've finished a menu, and now it's time to refine it, and after that, it's time to go to the bank and request that loan.  I need to move on, last year I had that problem where I wanted change in life, and this year, I'm asking for that once again.  However I'm asking for a bigger change, it's time to move on from all of this.  

So yup, lots of things to look forward too.  Tomorrow hipster chick, and near future, loan and restaurant.  Lets do this future Wei, lets do this.