Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend, Football Season, and More...

It was a nice weekend, lots of things on my mind, but this weekend really helped.  How should I explain this?  I don't know what I'm worried about, however I'm scared.  I've got all of this planned in my head, and now I need to take this next step.  I think this irrational fear is the fact that failure is the step that will happen.  There's this episode of How I Met Your Mother, it's right after Ted starts his own architecture firm, he tells the story of a architect that forgot about the books.  What does it mean?  Well, Ted tells the story of an architect that built a library, a perfect spectacle, however the building sunk into the ground every year an inch and a half because he forgot to account the weight of the books.  Just like how Ted feels, I feel the same way.  What if my sandwiches don't compete, what if my building sinks into the ground every year?  I know I shouldn't think that, because that's the first step towards failure.  So I'm just going to continue to believing in my products, and know that my stuff has to be good.  I gotta believe and not be pessimistic about all this.  Do it live, cause that's all I can do.

Lets see what else is going on, great weekend, didn't see the hipster chick at the bar this weekend, however I'm hoping I'll meet her again.  Quite disappointing, I'm feeling that I got a shot a this, man I should've done it the first time I was there with Jay and Brandon.  Posef really needs to get me that shirt with the "P" on the front of it and the, "USSY" on the back of it.  Really just fucking things up lately.  Oh well, there's always another chance, can't wait for that.  Woot!  Hipster chicks. 

Football season is upon us.  It's that time of year, where for 16 weeks, we watch sports no matter what, and not just any old sport, but football.  Some of the greatest stuff on earth.  Oh, and not soccer, real Americanize football.  That shit is awesome, and with an Eagles win today, it's starting off pretty nicely, even though it was a little to close for my liking.  However we gotta believe Vick is a little rusty since he hasn't really played in the offseason.  So the real challenge is next week against the Ravens.  All I can really say is..."Go Birds!"  And welcome back football.  

Last but not least, heading to Sayville next week.  Super excited for Ms. Papagno cooking and stories.  It's pretty much some of the most awesome things on earth.  That and the fact that we're hanging out with everyone is an awesome idea.  September is shipping up to be extremely busy and awesome.  However with new suit in hand and new beginnings right around the corner things are looking kinda peachy I guess. So lets do this up right.  Right?  Enjoy the week people.  

Oh, and going to start my running regime again, waking up tomorrow at 5:30 to start training for another 5k.  Kinda want to do this color run and more.  Woot, lets do this shit.  

Watch that video to the end.  That shit is hilarious.  Seriously.  

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