Thursday, May 3, 2012

Heir Apparent this is what it has come down to.  I can't believe it, but I guess I'm at that age.  I knew this day was coming, and it finally has arrived.  I don't want to be set up, and I don't want to be with someone I don't care for.  Mom and Dad, you do it, and I'm going to be furious.  So as I sit in this coffee shop thinking about the life path that I'm now heading down.  I realize, oh this is going to freaking suck ass.

I had to see it coming though right?  My parents want a grandchild I'm assuming, and besides WT, I guess I'm apparently the one that has to carry on the Kwok lineage.  I swear, I just wanted to help my dad buy his top soil and mulch, carry the junk and spread it.  I didn't want to be lectured and told this and that.  Choose someone smart, make sure they're right, make sure they are Asian, well they don't have to be, but if you find one make sure you take her, blah blah blah.  No my main goal is not to choose Asian, not to choose someone smart, and to make sure they are gold diggers.  Seriously Pops, seriously.

I don't care what color she is, I don't care if she's super smart, I kinda care that she's a gold digger.  So yeah I'll watch out for that.  However, the other stuff I really don't care about.  Whoever is right is right.  Ugh...seriously, I'm just sick and tired of all this pressure.  It's idiotic.  However I understand where they are coming from though.  Just that...I don't know.  I don't like it.  You don't rush that kinds of things right?  You live life the way you have to live life.  Why are we questioning what we don't have control of.  I don't know.  It is what it is.  So Mom, Dad.  Chill out will you.  I'll get you some kids...either legitimately or illegitimately.  Just kidding folks...just kidding.

So if you're in this dilemma in life as well, and you have my problem.  I feel your pain.  Seriously, I do.  So my only words of advice is...I don't know.  Help ME!!  Yup...this is my life in a nutshell at the moment.  I guess I'm not mad, it's just that I already have a shit ton on my plate I gotta worry about.  Kind of the last thing on my mind at the moment.  Anywhoo, I think sitting here in this coffee shop and staring at a bunch of girls in scrubs will relieve my stress.  Hahaha, awesome day so far, awesome.

Oh, and yeah, starting a new job on Tuesday.  I can't believe this, I'm out of my old company, and well.  It feels right.  I don't have to worry about stress some people gave, and all this built up agita is finally gone.  I'm feeling great about life right now, and I'm doing well on this aspect.  I'm really looking forward to things.  I'm going to Maifest in a few weeks with Dave and George, and I'm going to a different part of this country we call the United States.

I do feel disappointed that I did not get to go to a different country this year, and this disappoints me.  I can't believe that.  Plans for Japan this year are going to be passed on, however next year, I swear I'm going.  No if, ands, or buts about it.  So I'm definitely going there next year, I don't understand though, why are we not getting free tickets to fly over to Japan?!  Come on use to be cool, what happened, what happened?

Well, I'm coming to my end here folks, and I just want out of the house, which is nice.  So as I sit here, I'm preparing to make dinner tonight as well.  Looks as though I'm making a gumbo, and dinner of spaghetti and meatballs.  Yay!  I think that's a yay.  Well ladies and gents, that's enough of my random yammering for today, everyone be good, and stay groovy y'all.


  1. Just request for an arranged marriage. Solution to this issue!! :P

  2. Yeah, I don't think I can swallow that pill. No thank you...hahaha.
