Wednesday, August 11, 2021

3 Year Hiatus

 Well who would've thought I be writing in this after almost 3 years.  Since I've last wrote in this, I travelled to 12 countries, stayed in touch with the girl from Vienna, and trying to survive a pandemic.  I've been going through a lot lately, and as the world is trying to open back up and I'm trying to begin my travels again.  I'm at a crossroad, I want to continue my travels around the world, but at the same time, a large part of me suddenly feels like it is gone.  I'll find my way, I always do, but as of right now, I'm just lost.  

The largest question remaining is, do I travel to Vienna once again?  Do I continue looking for a property outside of this country?  Or is this all just a waste of time now?  So many questions, so few answers.  The one thing I do know, my heart is heavy, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.  Vienna is a place I hold dear, but right now, it's a place that is breaking my heart.  

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