Sunday, August 15, 2021

I Learned It By Watching You!

 It's been 72 hours, and life is moving on slowly.  Vienna You are in front of me 17 days from now.  I have no real back up plans any longer.  I have no idea what I'm going to do, and I don't know where I'm going.  All I know is adventure awaits.  It's 18 days from now, I'm setting off on my own new adventure, where it will take me where will it lead me?  I. have no idea.  All I know, I'm on a new adventure...on my own again.  

As depressing as that may sound, it's actually not.  It was inevitable, but I'm learning to stand my ground again.  I'm not holding on to the past.  I'm just looking forward.  You know, it's crazy this thing called life and love.  I always thought, no all I ever wanted was just to be able to stand by your side.  And even though we are thousands of miles apart, I thought I could stand equally next to you.  Again, it was inevitable, we live too far, and you're too awesome to have me stand by your side alone for so long.  I knew the day would come, but it has hit me harder than I expected.  

Still, I'm finding my peace through adventure still.  I chose to soldier on and fly and adventure.  It's what you would've wanted, it's also what I want as well. You may be gone and this is a lot harder to do without you, but I'm still going to be inquisitive and exciting as possible.  I still want to learn, explore, and live.  Living for that next life memory is the high.  That you taught me, that I will never let go.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

3 Year Hiatus

 Well who would've thought I be writing in this after almost 3 years.  Since I've last wrote in this, I travelled to 12 countries, stayed in touch with the girl from Vienna, and trying to survive a pandemic.  I've been going through a lot lately, and as the world is trying to open back up and I'm trying to begin my travels again.  I'm at a crossroad, I want to continue my travels around the world, but at the same time, a large part of me suddenly feels like it is gone.  I'll find my way, I always do, but as of right now, I'm just lost.  

The largest question remaining is, do I travel to Vienna once again?  Do I continue looking for a property outside of this country?  Or is this all just a waste of time now?  So many questions, so few answers.  The one thing I do know, my heart is heavy, and I'm just trying to figure it all out.  Vienna is a place I hold dear, but right now, it's a place that is breaking my heart.