After reading World War Z, the vivid images just kept running through my mind, and hearing these stories of the fictional characters just seem so life like. I could just hear the voices in my head. I don't know. Maybe the fact that stories are so life like, that's what scares me the most. What happens when the world is confront with Patient Zero?
The book really just shows how human's survive, what it takes, what the tolls of the war will really look like. A decade long war, that is forever. Who comes out of a war like this? Honestly? Jay called it, running zombies are going to literally fuck shit up. However, what about a world that is overrun by the literally the walking dead? Can they be stopped? Look, I'm not saying Max Brook's book is the answer, however I will have to admit. There is a lot of great logic in it.
When the time comes, so may call it an evil and ill gotten way to survive. However, lets admit this. Not everyone is going to survive this thing. Right? Isn't it safe to say that? However the real question is, would it be wrong to use certain people as undead bait? While a large group gets away? Look, do you sacrifice the lives of a few thousands to save the lives of a few tens to hundreds of thousands? For the sake of humanity's existence, wouldn't this be for the best? Look I'm not saying I have the answers, but ask yourself that? Wouldn't that be the right answer?
I was ask this question recently, would I let my family and friends die to save the lives of tens of thousands. I had to really think hard about this one. I don't know what the right answer is, however I'll make it easier for my friends and family that are reading this. When the time comes, and you had to choose, save the lives of the others. I promise I won't hate you, for the greater good. It's understandable.
This is what this book has done to me. Could I think it through that way? Could I survive and sacrifice when the time came? I don't ever want to know that answer. However I like to believe I survive a world like that, and I like to believe humans will make the right choice when it came down to it. I like to believe we would all rise above our differences and take out the trash that was left behind. God, I hope I'm right, and I hope we don't live in a world like the Walking Dead, where everyone is out for themselves. Dammit...
Stupid Blogger not letting me add the video I really wanted.